
6 Hours of Pain


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Well after a year off I decided to give the 6 Hours of Power another shot, having secured the fastest female in NY as my partner :D

This is a really cool and fun race, although really hard. They don't have beginner/sport/expert/pro, just solo, male-male team, female-female team, and coed teams, split by under 30 and over 30.

The race started LeMans style with a run to the bikes. I have no idea how far the run was, but since I'm not a runner, it seemed damn far. I managed to get on my bike somewhere in the middle of the pack, and took off up the first fire road climb.

I was determined to pass as many people as possible on the climb, even at the price of going too hard, because I didn't want to get bottled up once the singletrack started. It turned out to be a good strategy, because I got to the singletrack tired as hell, but I was with a pretty fast group. I was held up a little, but not nearly as much as the people farther back.

I spent most of my first lap in a train with some cool dudes from Park Tool, we all pushed each other hard and since they were either solo or male-male team riders, we weren't racing each other so it was all about going as fast as we could. I came in and Gee Spot took off like a mad woman, as expected :D

To my surprise, Tweek got ahead of me on the run, and stayed ahead for the whole lap. Nice job! Tweek and Instigator also had a very impressive 6 laps in the male-male team category.

Our support people said I was the 3rd co-ed to come in, as it turned out we were in 2nd because one of the teams ahead was under 30. Woohoo! I knew Gee Spot would turn in blistering laps, so all I had to do was be consistent. Our gap to the team behind (Mtbkngrl and our Jackalope friend Matt) was about 2 minutes after the 1st lap, and Gee Spot stretched it to about 5 minutes.

By my second lap, the field was stretched out enough that I didn't need to burn the first climb. I pushed it hard enough to pass a couple people, and had a nice incident free lap, except for some cramps on the last climb. But I managed to pedal through and stretched our lead to about 6 minutes. The 1st place team was hauling ass, no chance to catch them.

Gee Spot put in another hot lap, and got our lead up to about 10 minutes. She's a machine, no doubt about it :thumb:

Going out for my 3rd and final lap, I knew I just needed to go strong and keep the cramps under control. So I brought the pace down a notch on the climbs and worked on being fast and smooth in the singletrack. The cramps started creeping in again, to the point where I had to go to granny gear on the nasty switchback climb about halfway through. By the last downhill section I knew if I got off the pedals I was gonna be on the ground in a knot, so I just concentrated on cleaning everything, and got home with our 10 minute lead still intact.

One last lap from my awesome partner, and it was all over! Initally we thought we were 3rd, but the results were screwed up, so we had to give our 3rd place trophies to Mtbkngrl and her partner and take 2nd place ones instead :D

Now off I go to the Fitness and Nutrition forum to see what I can do about those damn cramps next time :angry: I'll post some pics when I get home from work :)

And a huge thanks to our support crew from Trailblazers for keeping the bikes in top shape, and Squid and Shyrmp for helping out too! These races are damn near impossible without awesome people like that ;)


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Booooo cramps.:(

I think Deyv is the one who has bad leg cramp problems...maybe he has some advice. My advice is just the normal.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by ghostrider
Cool! How did Tweek and Instigator finish? Let's have some pics!
I haven't seen the final results yet. Tweek was a freaking animal, he said last night he has no idea where he pulled those laps from.

If I didn't have a meeting I'd have already left work, went home, and posted pics. I'm freakin' whipped today. :dead:


Mar 26, 2002
Great job Echo and Gee!

For the cramps John, I just started to use Endurolyte pills (sodium, magnesium, potasium etc...) and it seem to work. + no alcohol, no coffee before races, well hydrated + stretching.

it's from E-caps (hammer nutrition)



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by ghostrider
Probably because he was riding my old bike.
I heard several racers were blinded by his bling. Luckily I didn't encounter him on the race course.

Thanks Deyv, I'll have to pick some of those up! See you in a couple days :D


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
Originally posted by douglas
Cool & congrats !

This has had somewhat good results for me: every few, breath out w/pursed lips & every few ins, take a real deep breath, and drop the pace a little
This works(sometimes) for me when I am getting a stomache cramp, but it hasn't touch the leg cramp problems the echo and I where having.

I have not raced in a few years and had fallen off the training wagon onto the play wagon a LONG time ago. This race opened my opened eyes to my physical condition. I had never suffered so much in a race ever before, and never had leg cramps riding ever before. I hope I use this to get out on longer rides to get myself in a little better shape from here on :thumb:

Tweek, I don't know where those fast consistant laps came from, but again you impressed me with your great riding :thumb: :thumb:


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Originally posted by Echo
And Shyrmp and Mtbkngrl discussing strategy in the transition area... :p
What a lovely photo :rolleyes: :D :D

There are pics on GeeSpot and Mtbkngrl's camera, you are going to have to hook up with them. Mine should be done tonight...I'll get them posted ASAP! :D :D