
666 Tuesday 999


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I was a member of the Makara Peak supporters club so I could give some aroha back to the trails I ride, but it has now decided to stop being a paid organisation. Instead they want all to donate to this, which I will happily do.

I particularly love this part:
Our primary strategy is to deliver the initiatives contained in the 10-year business plan which sets out investment needed for Wellington to be recognised as the world’s best mountain bike city.
Bring it on. There’s been so much work here already on so many trails, and so many new ones. Keep it up I say. :thumb:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
It’s supposed to be Autumn here now, but the weather defo thinks it’s still summer. I have the aircon on, crickets doing their annoying thing. Hot as balls.



free wieners
Well duh, that’s why you fit in around here. Remember, RM is an online retirement community for battered old downhillers with multiple concussions.

Wait what were we talking about again ?
when you say it that way it makes me think monkeyfest would look like a whole bunch of drunk josh bender types, sitting around a fire talking about karpiels, showing off scars and smoking weed.

Kinda wanna go to one now


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It's also interesting to observe who actually rides.
Many moons ago @mrbigisbudgood put together a ride at Sherando (@jstuhlman) with all the monkeys who used to be active on the Virginia forum (most of whom got banned).

I didn't make it but I understand it ended only after a mile or so of what is basically a very mild doubletrack climb as a number of people exceeded their limits. Ralph in particular had exceeded his quota of actual pedaling in the process and was approaching cardiac arrest.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
when you say it that way it makes me think monkeyfest would look like a whole bunch of drunk josh bender types, sitting around a fire talking about karpiels, showing off scars and smoking weed.

Kinda wanna go to one now

It's also interesting to observe who actually rides.
There was that one time, that we rode many miles.

I was very hungover.

For days.

how do you pronounce this?
Just like it's spelled. Which is not the case with Whakarewarewa.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Many moons ago @mrbigisbudgood put together a ride at Sherando (@jstuhlman) with all the monkeys who used to be active on the Virginia forum (most of whom got banned).

I didn't make it but I understand it ended only after a mile or so of what is basically a very mild doubletrack climb as a number of people exceeded their limits. Ralph in particular had exceeded his quota of actual pedaling in the process and was approaching cardiac arrest.
you mean the part before the real climb actually starts? :rofl:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.