
72mm caliper to 74mm tab?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Hi all,

A friend gave me an old disc caliper for me to use on my project ss. There is a small problem though, the Hayes disc caliper (72mm) does not mate with my disc tab (74mm).

2000 Manitou Xvert
____ Hayes caliper
Iso disc hub

What is the best (easiest?) way to mount the brake? Upon basic inspection, it looks possible to file the caliper to fit the screws...do this? Is lateral positioning something that I should be concerned about?

Thanks in advance.
Apr 28, 2006
North White Plains, NY
Are you positive the Hayes caliper is a 72mm? I've never personally heard of that size before. The two standards I know of are 74mm Post Mount, and 51mm ISO tab mount. All Hayes calipers are 74mm Post Mount (except for the old-school 22mm Chainstay Mount ones) and use an adapter to attach to ISO disc tab mounts. Your caliper should bolt right up, and it may just be that your measuring is a bit off. The only adapter you may need is if you want to run 7" or 8" rotors. I'm pretty sure the old X-Vert forks had a post mount setup for 6" rotors, unlike the new Totem's and others that have a post-mount setup for 7" and 8" rotors.

The only thing I can think of is that I remember a while ago 1999-2001 Manitou did dabble in making a 72mm Post Mount standard. If anything your fork may be 72mm and your caliper could be 74mm.....the other is super unlikely.....but who knows. If it's close though, filing out the little bit of material needed to bolt it up shouldn't be a problem. And if you don't feel safe about it, you can always order a Hayes half caliper with the right spacing. May want to bring it to the LBS though before ordering so you get the correct half-caliper.

Good luck!


Jul 12, 2006
Hayes did make a 72mm G1 caliper, and you could probably get a 74mm caliper half to replace it with, or replace the whole caliper with a G2
Aug 6, 2006
Denver, CO
I remember having to fit an older off-sized caliper to a newer mount. I think it was a 68mm, not a 72. I'm pretty sure I just did some random searching on websites like pricepoint until I found it. If you can't find the proper adapter, then filing would be the way to go. If it gets effed up to the point that it can't work, big deal, it's only an outdated hayes caliper than can be replaced for cheap.