I've never not used a pipe cutter for bars and have cut dozens of them with no failures yet, I'll have to research this very controversial and potentially risky behavior.
Today is pay day. Today is also maiden voyage on the new bike day. Gonna head up to White Ranch and ride the same route as Sunday so I can have a fair back to back comparison to see how far technology has come in the past 14 years.
*I should also apologize again for it being a no baggy shorts day. I realize the monkey is generally a lycra free zone but 95F and climbing Belcher removes the need for superfluous clothing.
Wow guys. It was 68 degrees, sunny with a light wind here.
Went out for a two hour spin at dusk, it was chilly!
I hope it's not that hot in Evergreen and Steamboat...
*I should also apologize again for it being a no baggy shorts day. I realize the monkey is generally a lycra free zone but 95F and climbing Belcher removes the need for superfluous clothing.
Having not checked the 'monkey earlier, I just now learned of this plan of yours. Clearly, I didn't make it. Instead I suffered through several laps at Warren Gulch instead.
Over time all active management loses out to index funds even before the management fee is factored in. I don't believe in unicorns.
I do agree that blanket advice is going to lead to rash decisions/weird allocations but if people had the sense to keep the same allocation but just switch to ETFs/index funds to make up that allocation then they'd see a net benefit, IMO. Of course people don't have that sense in the first place, which is part of the reason he did that piece.
Totally agree. We use index funds whenever available. It's when you're already invested, in index funds, that you decide you can determine appropriate risk level and go rogue, moving away from what is appropriate. We build risk-based portfolios and our mgmt fees are low (usually less than .5% - plan specific). The last few days has been "I don't care what you're telling me. I'm going to do this by myself. I'll be able to choose my own investments." No plan. No idea. Just stating that we are charging them to do what they can do. All I can do is wish them good luck.
Totally agree. We use index funds whenever available. It's when you're already invested, in index funds, that you decide you can determine appropriate risk level and go rogue, moving away from what is appropriate. We build risk-based portfolios and our mgmt fees are low (usually less than .5% - plan specific). The last few days has been "I don't care what you're telling me. I'm going to do this by myself. I'll be able to choose my own investments." No plan. No idea. Just stating that we are charging them to do what they can do. All I can do is wish them good luck.
On a wednesday and/or thursday nights? Damn near anywhere I want. It's one of the few benefits of working the fucked up schedule I have. Less interaction with the unwashed masses.
Oh - and quite a few Nat'l Forest campgrounds have (or are completely) 1st come/1st serve. Those campgrounds don't generally show up in the "recreation.gov" reservation website.
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