
800,000 Jobless Americans to Lose Aid


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
800,000 Jobless Americans to Lose Aid

Congress left for the year without extending the federal benefits, meaning that 750,000 to 800,000 unemployed workers will get cut off Saturday. Another 95,000 jobless workers will exhaust their state benefits each week afterward. Already, 1 million people have exhausted all of their benefits.
Congress authorized a 3.1 percent pay raise for themselves to $154,700 next year. Lawmakers' salaries have risen $18,000 since 1999.
What a bunch of f*ckheads. I really wish more people in this country voted so we could organize and vote those bitches out of a job.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Sideways
And instead they send how many billion dollars over to Isreal?

I'd have no problem with it, if the money actually made it to Palestinian refugee/concentration camps and was use for plumbing, schools, etc.

Democrats and Republicans both are bunch of crooks, and always will be as long as we keep voting for them. Vote independent every chance you get, if only to light a fire under the ass of the two party system.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by ohio
I'd have no problem with it, if the money actually made it to Palestinian refugee/concentration camps and was use for plumbing, schools, etc.

Democrats and Republicans both are bunch of crooks, and always will be as long as we keep voting for them. Vote independent every chance you get, if only to light a fire under the ass of the two party system.
I think anyone that runs for office should be automatically disqualified. That would weed out 99% of them.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by Tenchiro
I think anyone that runs for office should be automatically disqualified. That would weed out 99% of them.
That's the coolest thing I've heard all day.
(With, "Hey, you wanna go shuttle Bennet Gap with Chris Herndon at noon" coming in a close second.)
Vote for the none of the above party, fill in the blank.


Jun 4, 2002
bellingham WA
Anybody trying to push a 3rd party (or more) into the 2 party system should check this out http://bettercampaigns.org/

I've posted it before.... This system is in place in most democracies around the world (as I understand it), and would really open the door to public/political debate and involvement.

I signed up to "join the campaign" a while back, and I got a "kit" in the mail for going door-to-door and holding group meetings. The kit includes signature sheets, 50 nice pamphlets that explain it, a bunch of FAQs, etc..... I actually went to about 40 houses two saturdays ago to collect signatures. I'm not sure what the signatures are actually for, I think it's just a means to raising support and awareness of the campaign.

The main argument is: "The television and radio industry, unlike the print media, use the public's assets, the spectrum, in order to function. And when they get a [FREE] license to use that, they sign a piece of paper that says they will act in the 'public interest'. It seems to me that the public interest is clearly that they should help with the political process in informing the American people."
Sen John McCain, 1999

It's a two part proposal: Require all television and radio stations to air at least two hours a week (one of which would be in or near primetime) of candidate issue discussion in the month before an election. The stations would choose the formats they preferred--debates, interviews, town hall meetings, mini-debates, etc.

Provide qualifying candidates and parties with vouchers to run a limited number of free ads on television and radio. The vouchers would be financed by a small spectrum usage fee on the broadcast insdustry.

Going door to door, a lot of people are apathetic (as I would be when somebody knocks on my door and I think they're trying to sell something).... but many are thoughtful citizens, who may or may not sign it, but recognize its importantance and take a pamphlet to learn more. The most obvious response I would get was "shouldn't the candidates pay for it [the political ads]??". I understand that question, but it was dissapointing when people wouldn't take a pamphlet to learn more.... they were turned off immediately before they could hear the whole convincing argument..... those are the kind of people that I worry about---- close minded and quick to judge.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by The Toninator
"Mrs. Carmichael is now considering returning to work" oh that's a horrible thought. SHe should be able to stay at home watch TV and get fat.
The rest of the story, so y'all don't have to look it up:

"Scott Carmichael, 45, of Rowlett, Texas, was one of them. He was laid off in June from his job at WorldCom, where he had worked for 17 years.

Carmichael's state benefits are running out and he had counted on an extra 13 weeks of federal benefits that he now won't get because of Congress' inaction on the extension. The biweekly check of $574 helped him and his wife Laurie pay the mortgage and health care costs for their two children, ages 1 and 3. "

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Originally posted by Sideways
The rest of the story, so y'all don't have to look it up:

"Scott Carmichael, 45, of Rowlett, Texas, was one of them. He was laid off in June from his job at WorldCom, where he had worked for 17 years.

Carmichael's state benefits are running out and he had counted on an extra 13 weeks of federal benefits that he now won't get because of Congress' inaction on the extension. The biweekly check of $574 helped him and his wife Laurie pay the mortgage and health care costs for their two children, ages 1 and 3. "
I wasnt excluding any of that to mislead anyone. From her statement it appears she could have been working and earning a paycheck this whole time instead of living off of unemployment. Had she/he done that they would not be in the dire straights they are in now. If they had the ability to earn money this whole time why weren’t they?
I can sympathize with them though because i have friends who have been unemployed since they got laid off from Compaq over a year ago. BUt i still dont understand.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by The Toninator
I wasnt excluding any of that to mislead anyone. From her statement it appears she could have been working and earning a paycheck this whole time instead of living off of unemployment. Had she/he done that they would not be in the dire straights they are in now. If they had the ability to earn money this whole time why weren’t they?
I can sympathize with them though because i have friends who have been unemployed since they got laid off from Compaq over a year ago. BUt i still dont understand.
This Mrs. Carmichael has two very young children (babies).
She should be at home caring for them if at all possible, they are her primary responsibility.
Arguing against this is arguing against all of employment insurance, and is generally insensitive and unsympathetic.


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Our governor has decided to give companies a break on paying new unemployment insurance benefits this year as he’s predicting unemployment claims will remain low. Apparently he didn’t learn his lesson from last year’s tanking of the economy which drove the state to a budget catastrophe.

Of course you don’t get elected for preaching lean times ahead.


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
Originally posted by ohio
I'd have no problem with it, if the money actually made it to Palestinian refugee/concentration camps and was use for plumbing, schools, etc.

Democrats and Republicans both are bunch of crooks, and always will be as long as we keep voting for them. Vote independent every chance you get, if only to light a fire under the ass of the two party system.
Hallelujah, my brotha!

Now I need to go check out that site that patconnole suggested.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Originally posted by Sideways
This Mrs. Carmichael has two very young children (babies).
She should be at home caring for them if at all possible, they are her primary responsibility.
Arguing against this is arguing against all of employment insurance, and is generally insensitive and unsympathetic.
Ha you’re just trolling for a fight.
I will state that I never ONCE even insinuated that there should not be unemployment compensation and I’m very upset it's not going to be there.
that is all