
888 or Shiver


Turbo Monkey
Jul 30, 2002
Clinton Massachusetts
I'm going to be in the market for a new fork for mostly DH and FR and was looking for input. I did a search, but didnt come up with too much. I'm running a Boxxer now, but would like to go back to Marzocchi. I'm about 185, riding an SGS team. Thanks.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Shiver for a bigger guy like you, definitly. And the flex issue is barley noticeable (well I do only weigh like 120) unless one uses the infamous 'parking lot wheel between the knees test.' Performance should be similar to the 888, with if not better small bump absorbsion. Plus, inverted forks look cooler.


The 888R kills the shiver in almost every respect:
- Stiffer
- better damping (dedicated compression and rebound carts rather than dual rebound/HSCV)
- lighter weight

With risse or go-ride crowns the issue with fork heigh can be overcome.

The only thing the shiver has going for it is price and fork guards IMO.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
I dont like 888's much i tried my frend and it felt like poo to be honnest.Maybe cause he has no clue how to set hi s up.But also latelly I have been hearing all kinds of funny little flaws the fork has.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
I would go with the 888.
The dampening is better, it's lighter, and stiffer. Plus you don't need such a big fork as the Shiver. The 888 is plenty beefy for serious riding.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
loco-gringo said:
I fuqqin love that trick.
The favorite of pinkbike groms everywhere: "Dood, this shiver is way flexy, I need a supah monstah for my huge huckz to falt."

Besides, shivers look moto, and if:

shivers = moto, and moto = braaaaap, and braaaap = speed, then we can logicly
conlude that shivers = speed

Get the shivers.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I currently have a Shiver and I have ridden very little on the 888, but from what I can tell the 888 feels very similar to the Shiver. I couldn't tell much difference at all, but I have yet to bomb down anything substancial on a 888. However the 888 did feel much lighter and for a racer that might be a huge concern. However the inverted design with fork guards is hard to beat for an weekend shuttle warrior. My sliders (right where the stanchions would be on a 888) are scratched up due to truck shuttling and falling in rock gardens, but my stanchions which are protected by the fork guards are in perfect shape without any scratches. So I say for the everyday DHer, get the Shiver. Honestly you can't tell the difference in the damping.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
The 888 is stiffer than Michael Jackson at a boy scout convention.
Its easy to setup and feels downright bombproof to me.
I would not change a thing.
I have the 7 inch version and was wondering how it would be on a such a fast hard hitting course like Mt. Snow. Well, it was amazing. My front end tracked straight and sucked up everything with ease. I was bottoming it about once a run but that is ok up there.
The high speed damping on the 888 is EASILY its best feature. You have to ride it down something rough to find this out.
All I have done to my 888 is change the preload setting down one click, and adjust the comp. and rebound knobs and its about perfect as is.

As far as the Shiver goes, I have limited time on them, so all I can say is that they feel great, and their owners seem to swear by them.
I prefer the 888 for a race fork, and for some reason I have not gotten one scratch on the uppers yet. I'll see what I can do about that this weekend. :devil:
I agree with Profro about the shuttling comment, that is where bikes get 90% of their scratches from. Well, look on the bright side, the Windrock road should be smoother now. ;)


Jul 17, 2002
Vancouver, WA
I don't have a lot of time on a Shiver but my buddy has one and last time he came up to Whistler we swapped bikes for a couple of runs and at the end we both came to the same conclusion, the 888 feels much better on high speed stutters.

Of course it's always possible that something is wrong with the Shiver but for the two particular forks I was riding the high speed damping on the 888 was much better.