
9-11 Press For Truth


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin

Please watch this film. So far it appears to be highly fact-based, citing sources from major news outlets. (I'm still watching this. But I felt it was important enough to get the link out as soon as possible, even before I finshed watching. I'll update my post when I have watched it all.) I haven't seen any wild conspiracy mongering and I am 46 minutes into the 1:24 film.

I know everyone is so busy. Could you spend just five minutes on this? Watch from 36 minutes to 41 minutes of the film. Just 5 minutes will clearly demonstrate the lies told to the American people by the Bush administration. Then go back and watch the rest.

Thank You.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Ok, I finished watching it. In summary, LIHOP. Maybe MIHOP. Pointed the finger at Pakistan somewhat, but then pointed out that the real issue here is we don't know the truth.

Here are some important closing quotes.

"There is a stange lack of interest, of people both on the left, and on the right."

"Yes they lied. They all lied."

"We can't have these wars, reorganize our way of life, based on a false understanding of what 9/11 was."

"9/11 was the biggest don't ask, don't tell, and if it wasn't for the families, we wouldn't have anything."


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Honestly, I don't care anymore.
Man, it is not going to end here. If they get away with this it will continue and get worse on all things affecting your lives, and more so the rest of the world that will continue to suffer under unjust neocolonial governments of the US that can't be stoped.
It is your own democratic rights that have been revoked because of these lies. And if you don't take a stand against these politicians you will continue to live in a country of fear for expressing your selve.

"There was a time in South Africa, people would put flaming tyres around peoples necks... if they descended (spelling?). And in some ways, the fear is that you'll be necklessed here, you'll have a flaming tyre of lack of patriotism put around your neck. Now, it's that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest of the tough questions." -Dan Rather, Anchor 'CBS Evening News'

That quote was taken from this documentary about 1h17min into the film. Seriously recomended!


May 25, 2005
Definitely worth watching. It left me wondering and I learned some things I didn't know before. Watch it people!


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i see we're still in "repeat a lie long enough mode", where the jersey girls are still held in absolute authority, a-la cindy sheehan. but let me echo the recommendation by posters in this thread, and of those gone by: do view this. if for no other reason, you can be above board when asked if you've considered others' assertions that there was a cover-up, or some other grand conspiracy.

paraphrasing a jersey girl (6:30 or so) "there were planes flying around the US w/o a military response". to her, a "military response" could only amount to finding exactly which planes had been hijacked & summarily shooting them down.

around 7 min, they use the lear jet example which lost radio contact & was engaged by 6 fighters in short order. and where did this happen? right in the middle of eglin afb proving grounds, the largest military training area in the world. one would expect after knowing this particular story that this is the typical response, when clearly it cannot be.

around the 10th min, we are made to believe our gov't is incompetent for letting 9/11 suspects go (they even show an arabic looking muslim dude obviously not openly affiliated with any gov't - what up?), but don't remember this when talking about our black-hole gulag in cuba. and don't remember our soldier handling a koran w/o wearing gloves (probably right after jacking off w/ bacon grease)

around 10:15 one JG says: "when you're trying to connect the dots, you need continuity" something tells me she's pretty selective about which dots need to be connected, and which are inconvenient.

pretty funny how the JG's are experts in nothing beyond grieving (by their own admition), yets somehow their demands that need to be heard amounts to "something more must be done by our justice dept." how they arrived at the absolute ineptness of our justice dept on this topic is conveniently omitted.

around 12:30, we are told that interviews/transcripts are withheld from the public, but not offered the reason why. surely, this has cheney's & chimpy's fingerprints all over them. clearly, after every tragic event of any kind - to say nothing of an ongoing criminal investigation - all information should be streamed to all who ask without being filtered through FOIA. i'm sure insurance companies & victims' families won't mind one bit. (be sure to forget this tidbit too when advocating for privacy matters)

around 13:40, b/c a JG claims "not 1 elected official wanted to know how this happened", we are to take this also as gospel (has she never heard of barbra lee, or the cruiser-weight cynthia mckinney?).

around 15:20, a nice vignette about the media's appalling behaviour: "given the media's persistent focus on pain & sufferring, it was not difficult for the jersey widows to get their attention"

16:30: "buckling under pressure, the WH was finally agreeing to a deal" - bwahahaha! indeed, it was the JG speaking tour that got the WH to "start an investigation" you'd think with almost 1.5 hrs in this presentation, they might take 1 - 3 min to back this up. <waiting...>

ok, i'll pick it back up after this. and remember: in this country, when trying anybody, the attempt is to prove guilt, not innocence, which is the assumption according to some heavily amended document a few of us hold dear. this administration is not above the law, nor is it to be judged outside of it.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
i see we're still in "repeat a lie long enough mode", where the jersey girls are still held in absolute authority, a-la cindy sheehan. but let me echo the recommendation by posters in this thread, and of those gone by: do view this. if for no other reason, you can be above board when asked if you've considered others' assertions that there was a cover-up, or some other grand conspiracy.
Thanks for taking the time to view this. I would suggest other viewers not hold anyone as an absolute authority as $tinkle suggests. Rather, weigh the source and the backup sources, independently. As far as the "repeat a lie long enough" statement, please point out said lies when they occur, and back up your refutations with evidence. Otherwise you are simply making a loaded statement and doing nothing to support it, as if we should consider you an absolute authority on the matter.

paraphrasing a jersey girl (6:30 or so) "there were planes flying around the US w/o a military response". to her, a "military response" could only amount to finding exactly which planes had been hijacked & summarily shooting them down.
You make a loaded assumption about what Lorie's understanding of what a military response should be, but fail to address the facts discussed. From 6 to 6:30 they discuss how the first hijack was reported by the FAA at 8:38 and the last plane crashed at 10:06. The military failed to even engage any of the 4 planes.

around 7 min, they use the lear jet example which lost radio contact & was engaged by 6 fighters in short order. and where did this happen? right in the middle of eglin afb proving grounds, the largest military training area in the world. one would expect after knowing this particular story that this is the typical response, when clearly it cannot be.
From 6:30 to 7:30, the Lear jet incident with Payne Stewart is discussed. Yes this happened at Eglin AFB, but are you suggesting that Florida has stronger air defenses than DC? You also fail to mention the 129 times fighters were scrambled in 2000 to address errant aircraft. There are also many questions (not from the film) at that site about what bases fighters were scrambled from when closer sites existed, and what speeds they traveled at to intercept. Obviously this proves nothing, but it certainly warrants further investigation.

That's all I have time for now. I'll address your other points later.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I thought it was very well done. Looking over the timeline makes a lot of sense too. I have seen the othe films and most have some form of political agenda where as this is just a call for answers from the NJ widows. It's interesting to see that 2 of the widows were republican too.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
[21 min:] expressing frustration at the hearings. anyone who's ever watched an hour or two of c-span would find this hearing to be consistent, business-as-usual. i'm not excusing it, i'm just sayin'

[23 min:] calls for philip zelikow to resign are raised, but nothing about jamie gorelick, who had (arguably ) similar conflicts of interest (she gets a by-name mention a little later, but nothing more). next, we are told that 100's of boxes were given to the commission, which had not yet been sorted out, & in the next frame, a JG asserts "the important ones has been left out". well, which is it???

i also notice when mention is made administration officials won't testify, they focus on bush, cheney, rice, but not past administration officials (who, recall, are deemed worthy to be 9/11 panel members in spite of their vast experience, even if conflicting)

[25 min:] bush bumbling through a press conference. nothing new there. he's not tony blair. i'll admit it's rather curious he would speak w/ the commission, but only in what amounts to be off-the-record.

[30 min:] they start getting into 911timeline & just about the time one of the JG is lauding his research from "mainstream media sources", we see that mother jones "falls" into that category.

[51 min:] we are told the US captured only 1 significant figure in afghanistan, yet we are now finding out about what we have suspected for years: the CIA has a bevy of secret prisons where various terrorists of various rankings have been housed & interrogated. surely both cannot be true.

[53 min:] we are supposed to be shocked that tora bora was surrounded on three sides (west, north, east) a minute after we are shown graphically the escape route to the south was bombed. i don't know much about troop deployment, but i'm sure you want to avoid putting your guys in the hot zone.

[57 min:] we are led to believe american forces/leadership was complicit in explicitely allowing taliban members to escape into pakistan, when fact: The Americans also said that what was supposed to be a limited evacuation apparently slipped out of control, and, as an unintended consequence, an unknown number of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters managed to join in the exodus. "Dirt got through the screen," a senior intelligence official told me. [seymour hersh, new yorker mag]

[60 min:] please stop showing bush giving press conferences. "uhhh....uhhhh...uhhhh..." it's really hard to support him when i have to watch him speak. can we just stop?

[64 min:] we are told lt gen mahmood ahmed was a key player in ordering wiring 100,000 dollars to mo atta, yet what is omitted is he [lt gen ahmed] was having breakfast in dc the morning of the attacks w/ 2 congressmen (porter goss & bob graham). kinda hard to for me to make the leap he was possibly financing his own homicide.

[66 min:] ok, renegade rick, this is the part of the vid you should ask others to scratch their head about. i checked out the site referenced in telling the ISI involvement, and even if tangential or accidental, is no doubt troubling.

[67 min:]bob graham makes me laugh when he's getting his outrage on when he got punk'd into having breakfast w/ gen ahmed (ISI chief) on 9/11. what i wouldn't give to find out what they talked about that morning. yeah, truth will come out, indeed. just won't come out in this video. why did they fail to mention this?

[75 min:] why did they change the footage at the RNC convention from michael moore being booed (what actually happened) to being cheered? why the coverup?

[77 min:] dan rather is scared someone's going to put a flaming tyre around his neck for dissenting, but somehow finds the "courage" [pun oh-so intended] to go forth with forged memos about bush's nat'l guard service.

[79 min:] we are told that sloppy/negligent gov't is the same as watergate, which was malicious. need i?

[80 min:] another jersey girl says "they all lied, whether consciously or unconsciously" these women have really taken away any credibility this film had built up by now. i thought "pressing for truth" was about cold, hard facts, not emotional widows.

ok, i watched it; now i'm going to take a shower.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
backatcha; :cupidarrow:

i've been -- i don't know what you call it -- busy? we're between releases & things taper off end of the gov't fiscal year & hannukah.

does this font make me look fat?