
A 2nd Sunday ride !!!


Nam I am
S0 one ride a day is not enough for me! well this morning when Ben-o left my house he had said he was going to do the belmont ride. I Said what the hey and Joined the ride.

After various delays , we got started. the trails Looked Good made me wonder if I should have changeded from studded tires

Well SHortly after we topped the hill conditions changed and I was very glad I had studs on.

Coming down this hill was interesting because the approach to the bridge was a sheet of Ice. Nick Crashed ( pic did not come out :( ) and dam near put that new Iron Horse in the drink.

A short stepie with a snowy bottom

out of the 8 rideres only 3 of us had Studded tires on , the rest were experience no tracion , but ther ewas some pretty funky Body language

Ben-o had his studs on this morning atVietnam , but he changed them to regular tires in between rides , Big mistake

Nick coming around this corner very carefully ( the same as above )

Climbing up a hill that doesn't have much snow/ice

And Fianlly on our way Back the setting sun made for some interesting lighting on Nick.

so 3 + hours this morning and 2+ hours this afternoon , I'm tired !


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
yea love the pics. i wish i had a bunch of people like that to go ride with here.....