
A ? about the actual width of a 2.35 Kujo



Is it wider than a WTB 2.5? Wider than the 2.3 Tioga Factory DH? I can not go ANY smaller than the 2.5 Weirwolf I have now.

'Trail' tires just aren't cutting it anymore and I have to step up to something that has heavier sidewalls.



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I can verify that it's larger and has more volume than both a 2.3 Conti Vertical Pro and a 2.1 Tioga DH.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by VTinCT
Take a look at the Kenda Kinetics 2.35's...I just hooked some up and they are rippin so far!:thumb:
I thought the word on the street (ok, on the monkey :rolleyes: ) was that the sidewalls on the Kinetics are a bit, er, flexy. (I almost hate to say it. :D )


Flexmaster Flexy Flex
Sep 24, 2001
Lost in the woods...
Originally posted by Toshi

I thought the word on the street (ok, on the monkey :rolleyes: ) was that the sidewalls on the Kinetics are a bit, er, flexy. (I almost hate to say it. :D )
D'oh! :p

Coming from the Conti V.P 2.3s they are a world stiffer! I was on the HighRollers (2.5s) but they were too heavy for the benefits...I really like these trires. We'll see how they hold up tho, as I only have about 6o miles on them. Pedr Fest should put them through the paces!:thumb:
I can't help you with Kujo's but I do have the Tioga's in 2.35 on my Stinky. When I saw them I thought they must be 1200 grams because they appear so heavy. Well to my delight they are only 900 grams. They are front and rear specific and they are huge for a 2.35 tire. They are bigger then the 2.5 Weirwolf, bigger then the 2.4 motoraptor, bigger then the Ritchy ZED and way bigger then the 2.25 IRC backcountry. The Knobs on these tires are also huge but tend to sling gravel at the frame and well behind you from the back tire. I actually have chips in the paint on my seat stay from the pea gravel being flung into it from my rear tire!

I was nervous about the weight at first but they have been tough and no flats yet. I have run the down hills at the pass about 30 times (snoqualmie pass in Wa.) with pretty good control and no cuts or damage. If they can handle that I doubt and cross country or Free ride will be worse.