
A Boxing Day Ride Pics !


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So it is just a different way of saying a Day After christmas ride.

there were 4 of Us , me Ben-O , SloMoJo, and IF_rider.

On his trip out to my place Ben said he almost turned around because ofthe Snow. Well he was glad he kept going , because it wasn't snowing out here. But it was a Brisk 24 degrees .

Here Shortly after we got out , SloMJo coming down the trail.

Well This was a New tree that had fallen and some one built up a some rocks to be able to get over it .

Here is Ben-O working on his Bike jumping skills out in one of the play grounds.

SloMoJo on a New section of Armored trail.

IF_rider , doing a little Ice riding , Guess soon it will be time to put the studded tires on.

Now Being that it was 24 degree's, and I was dumb enough to ride through some streams , I was Riding a Single speed . Both My front and rear derailers were frozen and were not shifting any more.

Plus the It now had started snow here . you can see a little bit of snow on the ground as IF_rider and Ben_o climbing this hill.

SloMoJo tries to ride his Nemisis , but it still got the best of him, and he discovered the water was deep!!

Dunking the rear end of his bike like that would come back to haunt him, because shortly after that he was riding a single too!

and Finally , IF_rider coming down the back side of the rock bridge.