I admit this is from another thread that had similar content but they are your words:Originally posted by Merwin5_10
How did you come to this conclusion?
Did you say bend over and get raped? You are right. That's exactly what happens when internet customers come in and we price match to an online source that pays 1/10 of what I do for the same product. I loose money to maintain your business because its worth more to keep you as a customer than the $50 bucks I lost on a part sale. Who gets raped? I do. When the base of my customers expect this. And if I choose to continue to price match to mail order vendors, I go out of business and RM can accuse me of being behind the times. From there, you guys feel free to call each other for info on how to fix you bikes. My techs will be a KFC filling your buckets. You want gravy with that?
If I knew my LBS felt this was about me would make me very uncomfortable. I am far from my LBSs best customer but I have spent over $3,000.00 on bike bits with them this year and a similar last year. Prior to that maybe $500.00 a year. I am also smart enough to know that customers like me do not show up everyday. Keep in mind that I have never purchased a built bike from them, all my $$$ are for parts and service. Expensive parts with decent margins: if the part costs them $100.00 including shipping then I pay $150.00 + tax. A fair deal for me and a decent profit for them. If my mechanic had written what you did I am pretty sure I would not go back. I like to think I am valued as a customer.