i am a consumer. i am a cheap bastard. i have only ordered one part on line and i regreted it. I love my LBS. I like sitting there on the shop couch watching bike videos and drinking free coffeefor hours at a time. the three person staff at pro-bikes has taught me so much about bikes and their differing opinions have helped me through tough choices about products and their advantages. i use the workstands and tools at the shop, i use their pisser, i use the computer in the office and change the cd if i think what is playing sucks. if i cant fix it then the mechanic throws it on the stand right away or tells me how to do it. why does this happen? why do i get a discount on everything i buy? it happens because i have forged both a friendship, commeraderie, and customer realtionship with everyone there. i am as dedicated to spending my money there as they are to riding bikes and subsiding off of the few fruits of the cycling industry. do i ask for discounts?nope. do i tell fred that www.such-n-such.com has this part for half the price?nope. do i care? nope. fred and the pro bikes staff have gained my loyalty and they will always have it because they emanate the true desire and lifestyle of a two wheeled life. not a desire to just make money.