
a couple weeks back to riding... what a great day it was today !


May 9, 2004
springfield, va
so i kinda sorta introduced myself to all you monkeys a little while ago. i suppose i felt the need, nah, no need really. i just feel like writing out what's rollin around in my head :)

so anyways... it's been a couple weeks since i started riding again after ~10 years or so out. my first couple rides... well they were kinda painful lol. but even tho i was hurting, i absolutely loved being on a bike again. i've been a bit of a fat guy my whole life :D and well, i decided it's time to not be the fat guy all the time. and biking is part of the way i'm going to make that happen. at least i'm going to give it a go. 20 years of smoking and 15 years behind a desk with physical activities becomming less and less over the years to the point of them being non-existant have made me what i am today lol

it's only been a couple of weeks so far, but i'm already seeing improvements. today was one of those days that just seemed like everything was right in the world. i rode more miles than i have in any of my previous rides and felt a LOT better the whole time. i didn't need to take nearly as many breaks as i have in my previous rides either. i managed to climb up some hills that i haven't made it up before. i JUMPED over some log piles instead of just kinda rolling over them !

i know it doesn't seem like much to all you seasoned monkeys, but for me, today was just a really fantastic day on my bike. they're little tiny steps, but it's the excitement of those little tiny steps that makes me look SO forward to riding again. makes me look SO forward to trying new things, improving my technique and improving my fitness.

just wanted to share. even if no ends up reading it :D

man did i have fun today ! :monkey:



Turbo Monkey
Feb 7, 2004
alex. va. usa.
hey ron good for you!! keep on working at it.

btw just because we are seasoned does not mean that we are in shape either. :) just seem like it. i personnally i'm in not the best of shape, even though i can look it!! hope to see you on the trails soon.


Feb 26, 2002
Right on! Nice to hear about someone else who's found that biking is great for shaking off personal demons (weight, smoking, anger, etc.). Ride on.


May 9, 2004
springfield, va
wannabeabonedoc said:
I'm glad to hear of you victories. When do you find time to go riding?
"luckily" i'm at work by 6:30 in the morning. i'll get home by 5 or 6 and head out after that. i'm just a mile from the bridge that crosses the train tracks in cardinal forest (to accotink). i don't get a lotta time in each time - just 1 1/2 - 2 hours. but that's been enough for me so far. hopefully i'll want lights to be able to ride longer someday :D
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area

Thanks for sharing! :thumb:

Before I started mtn. biking, I rarely (like once every six months) had days where I felt like everything had gone right. Mtn. biking changed that. Isn't it amazing?



May 9, 2004
springfield, va
thanks ! amazing indeed. i don't think i've ever had so much fun. the people i run into on the trails must think i'm a nut. i think i usually have a silly grin on my face as i give a hi or howdy =]

made it out for a short while again tonight. i only hit one tree this time lol. i'm getting awfully good at falling too :D

thanks so much all you guys for taking the time to well wish and encourage me. :love: