
A disturbing sight that has been bugging me.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
***Official buzzkill warning; proceed at your own risk***

Having lived on this planet a few years, I've seen a number of very emotionally disturbing things, but one I witnessed 3 weeks ago has been particularly nagging.

While driving back into my neighborhood after work, I followed an SUV through the series of stop signs to my street. Right before we got to my turn, I see this big golden retriever/lab walk out of a yard to my right towards the SUV in front of me. Seeing the dog approaching his car, the middle-aged guy in front of me slows and stops a good 20 feet before the stop sign. He looks into his mirrors then slowly proceeds towards the stop sign with the dog walking along the right side of his car, presumably in his blind spot. Just then, a lady comes out onto her porch from a house on the left side of the road and the dog inexplicably turns left towards her, walking right in front of the SUV. Before I could honk or do anything else helpful, the guy drives slowly over the middle of this big dog's back with both his right front and rear tires.

I almost puked on my dash from what followed...the sickening-sounding yelping...the dog's owner rushing in tears to scoop her up out of the street as the SUV driver tearfully proclaimed that he "just didn't see her"...the dog owner yelling at his kids to "get back inside now"...the feeling that came over me as I drove past this chaotic, nightmarish scene.

When I got home 30 seconds later, I grabbed a beer and a J and went out onto the deck in my backyard to privately process what had just occurred before my wife and kids got home from their outing. As I sat there numb trying to work through the scene, a big neighbor's cat darted across my lawn with something in his mouth. He paused under my big pine tree and looked up at me with a baby rabbit in his mouth, still kicking and squealing. For the next 5 minutes, I had to listen to that cat torture/eat the baby rabbit while it screamed.

I picked up my intoxicants and headed back inside for the sanctuary of my basement with its couches, stereo and cable TV. For about 30 seconds, I considered going back outside with a rifle for that cat...then rational thought returned and I decided to just swallow up the entire experience until now. Out of not wanting to burdon my wife with anything extra to keep her up at night, I have never mentioned that evening or its events. It's kinda wierd- I've seen worse things than that happen before to larger animals and even people, but I find myself replaying that scene over and over again when I'd just as soon forget it ever happened.

Anyhow, perhaps just "putting it all on paper" will :help: me forget about it. Here's hoping, at least...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
after watching _Grizzly Man_, sometimes i tend to side w/ Werner Herzog's view of the world, that it is filled w/ chaos and violence. times like the one you describe only cement that feeling.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Bad stuff happens, its a big cruel world out there. Just don't dwell on the negative and focus on the positive.
I understand your need for some cathartic "debriefing" when it hits the fan and your just the passive viewer who can't stop it.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
narlus said:
after watching _Grizzly Man_, sometimes i tend to side w/ Werner Herzog's view of the world, that it is filled w/ chaos and violence. times like the one you describe only cement that feeling.
Did that documentary not totally rule? I enjoyed the hell out of that and have watched it now twice. That hippy guy had such a bizarre perspective on the world and our place within it, but his rants were :classic: ...especially the one he had in the tent during the drought concerning God/Jesus/Allah/"That Hindu Floaty Thing". :rofl:


Apr 10, 2006
The dog getting hit by the car is quite unfortunate. The rabbit/cat deal however seems more natural. Granted, the cat wouldn't be in the area had it not beed for humans, but being sad about the rabbit getting eaten by the cat seems like mourning the loss of a trout as grizzly bear lunch.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
agreed. i really did like that movie, and was shocked (well, not *that* much, i guess) that it wasn't even nominated for an oscar in the documentary category.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
Damn LL, bad deal. I saw a boxer puppy lying in the street after being just hit during a thunderstorm the other night, his owner ran out and the dog's tail was wagging. That still haunts me. I can understand where you're coming from. I had to go home, give my dogs extra hugs and drink several beers after that. Nothing good about that kind of stuff


May 16, 2006
Los Gatos
Uh, on a better note:
I was riding along one of the main streets here when I see something small and brown come tumbling out from under an SUV. I then see this small brown tumbly thing turn into a small brown kitten sprinting for the side of the road. I guess he (she?) was dizzy or something becuase he miscalculated the jump up onto the curbe and smacked his poor fuzzy head. I stopped real quick to get the kitten out of harms way when he finally makes it up on the curb and sprints towards a wooden fence enclosing someone's front lawn. He jumped up, climbed a little bit, rested a bit, climbed some more, and finally made it into the front lawn.

I have no idea if it was the cat's front lawn or not, but at least it was safe. I just remember thinking "Crap, what a crazy day for the that kitten... Gets run over by an SUV smacks his head on the curb, and has to climb a 4 foot tall fence to get into his yard..."

Looked like he was fine though.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 24, 2005
Its always horrible to see something like that happen to a house pet especially since the golden really cant defend itself. Maybe watching this whole event unfold is reasoning its sitting in your head. Hope you feel better LL


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
CKxx said:
The dog getting hit by the car is quite unfortunate. The rabbit/cat deal however seems more natural. Granted, the cat wouldn't be in the area had it not beed for humans, but being sad about the rabbit getting eaten by the cat seems like mourning the loss of a trout as grizzly bear lunch.
I agree and have a very country/southern/realistic/naturalistic outlook on such things normally, but it bothered me this time primarily for four reasons:

1) It interrupted my attempt at calming down so closely on the heels of the dog episode

2) The damned cat looked right at me then proceeded to have his leisurely meal right under my nose and within my little fiefdom

3) I had inadvertently run over a baby rabbit burrow with my push mower fairly recently in the back yard, killing two of the kits in a horrible fashion. I saw the mother rabbit loitering in my backyard shortly therafter and she looked at me- almost knowingly- and wouldn't run away even after a couple casual attempts to shoo her. The baby rabbit in the cat's mouth was likely, therefore, the only remaining survivor of that mother rabbit's litter. Maybe it was out of a misplaced and irrational sense of guiltiness, but I felt for a few seconds there like it was somehow now MY responsibility to do what I could for the one remaining kit

4) I hate that particular cat for tearing into my garbage and dragging bits of it all around my property before the trash guys show up, leaving me quite the nasty mess to clean up in my suit while trying to get to work on time


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
I had a similar experience 2 nights ago when Max got the skunk. I felt bad for the poor little stinker seeing it take a couple of steps before collapsing and eventually dying. I try to remind myself that Mother Nature is actually quite an ugly b!tch and all this is natural. Hell, do you think the lion feels bad when it mauls a gazelle?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
the dog thing sucks. I have no problem with the cat, though, it's doing what it feels is natural and hell, I give it kudos for actually eating the damn thing. I'm a little more bothered when they kill it (or play with it for 20min and *then* kill it) and leave it on my back porch...

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
A few weeks back, I witnessed a dog get run over simply because some ass herder would not slow down to avoid the dog.
You live in a stinky $hitbomb of a world when you see a dog walking across a 4 lane road and 10 cars will not lift their foot off the gas for a second to spare a life.
Anyway, that "accident" would not get of out my head for a while either.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
dante said:
the dog thing sucks. I have no problem with the cat, though, it's doing what it feels is natural and hell, I give it kudos for actually eating the damn thing. I'm a little more bothered when they kill it (or play with it for 20min and *then* kill it) and leave it on my back porch...

back when i was learning how to drive i was cruising around town with my dad. a suv driver nailed a medium-sized dog, which then proceeded to spiral through the air across the airspace in my lane, about roof-height. if that wasn't shocking enough, then the driver decided that she'd better slam on the brakes and dart after the dog, that is, cut me off. yikes x 2.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Toshi said:

back when i was learning how to drive i was cruising around town with my dad. a suv driver nailed a medium-sized dog, which then proceeded to spiral through the air across the airspace in my lane, about roof-height. if that wasn't shocking enough, then the driver decided that she'd better slam on the brakes and dart after the dog, that is, cut me off. yikes x 2.
By "yikes x 2", do you mean to imply that you nailed the driver and sent her spinning through the air about roof-height? :confused:

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Toshi said:

back when i was learning how to drive i was cruising around town with my dad. a suv driver nailed a medium-sized dog, which then proceeded to spiral through the air across the airspace in my lane, about roof-height. if that wasn't shocking enough, then the driver decided that she'd better slam on the brakes and dart after the dog, that is, cut me off. yikes x 2.
Ha, back when I was in high school,
I came around a corner kinda fast on a backroad, and a giant buzzard was grubbing on some roadkill.
He went to fly off and went right into my windshield.
Seeing a big buzzard's face bounce off a windshield was freaky.
Anyway, he flew through the air, then started flapping his wings and flew off without a scratch.
Tough ole buzzard.
If it wasn't for the superb handling of my T-topped Trans Am, I could have been in an accident.:rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
I was in a car that hit a baby deer a few weeks ago.

Just darted out in front of the road and there was nothing we could do. It was basically dead, but still twitching. The saddest part was that the mother came by to see what happened when we stopped.



May 16, 2006
Los Gatos
On another brighter note:

A few years ago I was driving home from work when I saw a mama turkey walk out into the middle of the road. Traffic in both directions stopped. Five or six baby turkeys crossed the road, the mom looked both ways, and finally went to the other side. Traffic started to flow again after everybody was all safe and sound.

Animals get hit, it happens as we continue to move into the bits of land we have (or we let our pets roam free), but sometimes things work out alright.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Jeremy R said:
If it wasn't for the superb handling of my T-topped Trans Am, I could have been in an accident.:rofl:
Yeah, or all of a sudden found yourself with a disoriented and unruly avion passenger in the back seat! Those ol' T-topped Smokey & the Bandit Trans Ams ruled the late 70's. My brother had one and the T-tops facilitated many a drive-by paintballing, screaming, egging, tomato-ing and even the occasional drunken pistol discharging. God alone saw me through to my 20th year!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
NapalmCheese said:
On another brighter note:

A few years ago I was driving home from work when I saw a mama turkey walk out into the middle of the road. Traffic in both directions stopped. Five or six baby turkeys crossed the road, the mom looked both ways, and finally went to the other side. Traffic started to flow again after everybody was all safe and sound.

Animals get hit, it happens as we continue to move into the bits of land we have (or we let our pets roam free), but sometimes things work out alright.
Cool. I saw the same thing happen with duck families twice while working in Frederick. One stopped car almost got rear-ended when a speeder happened upon the scene, but all ducks/ducklings made it safely across the road both times.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
You want a real treat?

Watch what happens when some city livin' jackass moves out to the 'country' and thinks it's cool to let the beloved family dog run loose at night chewing up their neighbor's chickens, sheep, rabbits etc...


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
Jeremy R said:
Ha, back when I was in high school,
I came around a corner kinda fast on a backroad, and a giant buzzard was grubbing on some roadkill.
He went to fly off and went right into my windshield.
Seeing a big buzzard's face bounce off a windshield was freaky.
Anyway, he flew through the air, then started flapping his wings and flew off without a scratch.
Tough ole buzzard.
If it wasn't for the superb handling of my T-topped Trans Am, I could have been in an accident.:rofl:
me and my buddy were cruising along the highway once when a seagull smashed into the B pillar on his cherokee right next to my head. it was scary as hell for me because all i knew is we were just cruisin and all of a sudden there is this explosion of blood and feathers everywhere. we didnt find out what actually happened till we got to where we were going and found the mangled bird in the back of the car. i was scarred by that for a while


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
lovebunny said:
me and my buddy were cruising along the highway once when a seagull smashed into the B pillar on his cherokee right next to my head. it was scary as hell for me because all i knew is we were just cruisin and all of a sudden there is this explosion of blood and feathers everywhere. we didnt find out what actually happened till we got to where we were going and found the mangled bird in the back of the car. i was scarred by that for a while
I've never hit a bird, but I drove around with a bat in my grill for a whole day. I had been driving in the 'shed the previous evening and going out for lunch the next day, discovered the spread-eagled dry-as-jerky body of a bat on my grill face-in. I picked it free with my switchblade and looked at his death mask...a grim one, understandably.