
A few letters...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Dear RockShox,

YIPPEE! WOOHOO!!! and Thank-You Thank-You Thank-You!!!

Yours truly,


BTW - for those looking for the juicy stuff, keep reading.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Dear RockShox,

Now that I've calmed down a bit from my ecstatic jubiliation upon receipt of my fork, I would like to thank your customer service department for their professionalism, courtesy, friendliness, and follow-through.

I'd also like to thank your company as a whole for making a great product that I've had for years, and standing by it, and fixing it up into what it is today when the ti-ni flaking got soo bad.

And, in my personal opinion, the mixing of the 02 Red Lowers with your extremely sexy chrome plated Stanchions makes for an extremely eye-catching and attractive fork that I firmly believe will be the envy of many cyclists.

Yours turly,


PS - I've enclosed a pic I took of my fork today on my back porch after receiving it for the benefit of all the RideMonkey'ers...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Dear Bicycle Centers in Everett,

Thank you so much for your efficient, professional, and friendly service. You took in a customer who'd had months of bad service from another shop, who you had no history with, and in less than 3 weeks had my fork in hand.

Additionally, Thank you for your patience and tolerance of a high maintenance girl who just wanted her fork back to ride on. I greatly appreciate you, and I'm very glad RockShox referred me to you and your shop.

You will have my continuing business.

Very truly yours,



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Dear Shop and Old Friend Who Screwed Up,

One would think that a gal could trust a friend who owned a shop and to whom she brought all her business, small as that may be. One would think that a gal, who listened to your stories, and enjoyed your company, should be able to trust a friend and an established business.

I brought you a simple request, to be the shop I worked through to have my fork warrantied. A warranty that RockShox had already agreed to do. You needed to establish an RA number, ship the thing, get it back, and return it to me. For this, I was more than happy to pay Shipping + a good bottle of booze for an old friend. I'm also more than happy to not question the cost of the shipping.

However, I brought you the fork in early September of '04, ready to be shipped.
It took you over a week to get an RA number.
It took me well over a month before I started calling you frequently asking for status.
You lied to me about my fork, and where it was. You told more stories, more fibs, more tales about a company you hadn't spoken to, then anyone ever should.
It should not take the threat of being served with a Civil suit after months of delays and lies, for you to have produced my fork, with yet another lie, in the beginning of February.

If you had only told me the truth, even at the end, that you'd f*cked up so badly, we might still be able to do some business together and I wouldn't share my negative experiences in such a public manner.

But you didn't, and the speed and professionalism with which others were able to move my fork from one place to another fix it and return it only further highlights your incompetencies, your lack of professionalism, and your lies.

I will from this point forward take my business and my cash, what little there is of that, to a shop that has proved itself to be trustworthy.

Truly Yours,


I will refrain from mentioning your name, your RM sig, or your business in this post. However, I will be more than forthcoming with any who choose to contact me privately for additional details.
If you have a legitimate reason why this should not be, you can approach me privately and we can settle this.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
binary visions said:
Glad you got your fork back! :thumb:
Me too!!! There was a while there when I didn't think the fork even existed any more, or was parted out by some shop flunky and the owner just didn't know how to tell me.

And btw - just a few bounces for now, my bike is in pieces from being without a fork for so many months...that fork feels SWEET! :D


The fork sure looks purty. Sorry it was an ordeal. :( Glad it worked out. :thumb:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
MMcG said:
why does your fork look like it has 12" of travel - is it the camera angle or something?
It must just be the angle...it's a standard '02 Boxxer - just with the new improved stanchions, as the Ti-Ni Stanchions were flaking badly.

Travel is 7" on that sexy thing...


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
MMcG said:
why does your fork look like it has 12" of travel - is it the camera angle or something?

I think it the fact that she has the bottom crown at the top of the stanchions. Looks like a gigantic SC


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
MMcG said:
why does your fork look like it has 12" of travel - is it the camera angle or something?
The crowns move down along the stanchions, from that pic it hasn't recieved the rubber mallet yet to put em in place.....

glad you got your fork back JrB. i just took that same fork off my Bullit for a new Boxxer Ride, but i really loved the smooth action of the ti-nitrate stanchions, wish i could have just put a U-turn in my old fork.

sorry to hear about your bad experience with a former pal, and glad you found a trustworthy lbs.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
ahhh that's it, the lower crown is way up where the top crown is supposed to be!

sometimes I can be a complete asshat! Why didn't I see that upon first look?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Jr_Bullit said:
I will refrain from mentioning your name, your RM sig, or your business in this post. However, I will be more than forthcoming with any who choose to contact me privately for additional details.
If you have a legitimate reason why this should not be, you can approach me privately and we can settle this.
And this goes a long way to show your sense of professionalism. Kudos.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Jr_Bullit said:
Dear Shop and Old Friend Who Screwed Up,

One would think that a gal could trust a friend who owned a shop and to whom she brought all her business, small as that may be. One would think that a gal, who listened to your stories, and enjoyed your company, should be able to trust a friend and an established business.

I brought you a simple request, to be the shop I worked through to have my fork warrantied. A warranty that RockShox had already agreed to do. You needed to establish an RA number, ship the thing, get it back, and return it to me. For this, I was more than happy to pay Shipping + a good bottle of booze for an old friend. I'm also more than happy to not question the cost of the shipping.

However, I brought you the fork in early September of '04, ready to be shipped.
It took you over a week to get an RA number.
It took me well over a month before I started calling you frequently asking for status.
You lied to me about my fork, and where it was. You told more stories, more fibs, more tales about a company you hadn't spoken to, then anyone ever should.
It should not take the threat of being served with a Civil suit after months of delays and lies, for you to have produced my fork, with yet another lie, in the beginning of February.

If you had only told me the truth, even at the end, that you'd f*cked up so badly, we might still be able to do some business together and I wouldn't share my negative experiences in such a public manner.

But you didn't, and the speed and professionalism with which others were able to move my fork from one place to another fix it and return it only further highlights your incompetencies, your lack of professionalism, and your lies.

I will from this point forward take my business and my cash, what little there is of that, to a shop that has proved itself to be trustworthy.

Truly Yours,


womp womp waaaahhhh. This is not how you should run a buisness.

Glad to see you got your fork taken care of.

Its just great that we have shops like this, putting a bad taste in peoples mouths. We wonder why everyone is ordering online, and not supporting LBS's



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
=[Stinky]= said:
Its just great that we have shops like this, putting a bad taste in peoples mouths. We wonder why everyone is ordering online, and not supporting LBS's

I dunno that we should rag too much on LBS'. This one just made enough judgement errors to get me to this level of ticked-offness. But the 2nd LBS who RS actually recommended to me, handled everything extremely well - which I believe speaks well of LBS' in general.

I like to think that the first problem that unfortunately I was trusting enough to let escalate for months and months and months, was more the exception than the rule.

However, as a businessperson - I firmly believe that both screwups and positive examples should be highlighted so that those who do well receive the kudos they deserve, and those that screw up in extreme manners either learn the lesson or at least realize the extent to which they betrayed a trusting customer.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Jr_Bullit said:
I dunno that we should rag too much on LBS'. This one just made enough judgement errors to get me to this level of ticked-offness. But the 2nd LBS who RS actually recommended to me, handled everything extremely well - which I believe speaks well of LBS' in general.

I like to think that the first problem that unfortunately I was trusting enough to let escalate for months and months and months, was more the exception than the rule.

However, as a businessperson - I firmly believe that both screwups and positive examples should be highlighted so that those who do well receive the kudos they deserve, and those that screw up in extreme manners either learn the lesson or at least realize the extent to which they betrayed a trusting customer.

Im not ragging on any LBS... I have been worked for one of the best shops in atlanta for the past 4 years. Im just saying its unfortunate you had that bad experience, and most of the time thats what turns people off to dealing with LBS, and consequently they end up going the mail order route. This is speaking generaly. Not your exact situation.

Im glad you havr found a shop more deserving of your buisness. Support your LBS...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
The Toninator said:
Dear J_B,

Congratulations on the fork. Please dont ever get mad at me.

Yours truely
Awwww - of course not...unless of course you commit to something and then lie about it - randomly picking people to be mad at is only fun for awhile ;). :D

dh girlie

Jr_Bullit said:
If you had only told me the truth, even at the end, that you'd f*cked up so badly, we might still be able to do some business together and I wouldn't share my negative experiences in such a public manner.
HAHA! I love it...through this entire letter she is very courteous and professional and uses cute little sugar coated words like 'fib' and then puts this in...HAHAHA! Right on. :thumb:

That's really cool of you to give props to the companies who provided good customer service. :thumb:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
dh girlie said:
HAHA! I love it...through this entire letter she is very courteous and professional and uses cute little sugar coated words like 'fib' and then puts this in...HAHAHA! Right on. :thumb:

That's really cool of you to give props to the companies who provided good customer service. :thumb:


Thanks! :)