
A few Saturday ride pics

Some action from Saturday. (Still getting used to the new camera - must learn to hold camera still!)

BAM!! Pics resized :thumb:

goin'meduim: (dude! is that a reflector on your pedal?!?)

jimw hittin the same jump:

scurban making the log ride:

goin'medium again, differnt double:

scurban hitting the same jump:

Finally, jimw throwing down some style!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
no problem, I wasn't asking because I wanted to ride them, just thought they may have been from SST or one of the more popular areas. (and maybe they are....:))


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Cool pics, looks like fun!

Definitely a good idea not to advertize all the riding spots, as we have learned here in Rochester.
Thanks for the positive replies! Both Scott and Jim have some more shots, including a few of me! Maybe they'll throw 'em up in this thread? We actually have some pretty cool 20sec vid caps from the cameras, but hosting always seems to be an issue.

Anyway, one more artsy fartsy shot of goin'medium hitting the log ride


Aug 10, 2004
Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks for posting those pics Rich! Good riding with you guys. Here are a couple lame (resolution-wise) pics to add. The actual pics I took didn't turn out so great, but there were a couple video clips that were OK. Of course, the resolution for individual frames from the video that my digital camera takes is pretty bad... so just pretend that these are "artsy-fartsy" shots and not just out-of-focus, low-res ones! :)




Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
sweet pictures! thanks for posting those! I didn't realize you got some of me.

well, as you probably figured, I'm always down to ride, hit me up with a pm next time you guys go out!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
squarewheels said:
sweet pics. makes me miss riding out there...
that's not all new stuff is it? the area looks familiar
NO, just rebuilt, or fixed a lot of it was torn down after this summer, thats way the trail names are to remain un-named. The people who ride them will know their location though.
scurban said:
sweet pictures! thanks for posting those! I didn't realize you got some of me.

well, as you probably figured, I'm always down to ride, hit me up with a pm next time you guys go out!
NP! I actually have a few more, just slight variations. (I tried to post the best ones. Shoot me a PM with your email addy and I'll send em your way.) I will definitely give you a shout next time I/we head out though...

...and for those of you that don't know, this guy's butter on the HT! :drool:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
scurban said:
NO, just rebuilt, or fixed a lot of it was torn down after this summer, thats way the trail names are to remain un-named. The people who ride them will know their location though.
alright, it's where i thought it was then. cool log ride!

did you get a new frame to go along with the fork? how're you likin it? my 243 pretty much never sees any action now that i picked up a dh bike. i need to get back on it. as much fun as dh bikes are, i feel like it's making me ride more sloppy. my landlord just let us take out a big hunk of trees and vines in my backyard, so my housemate and i are plotting out a 6 or 8 pack.