
A Freaking Cold Pre Blizzard ride!!


Nam I am
It is suppose to snow tonight , and I mean really snow ( see IAB's Blizzard thread ) so Instead of our usual Sunday ride we roade today . only thing is it was COLD , really really cold !! When i go up this morning it was -9 out side by the time riding time had come it was up to -4. So i Got dressed, and put layer after layer after layer. took about 40 minutes just to get dressed .

but yes I'm ready for Battle !

IF_rider had his own little Method for keeping his hands warm.

Anyway BAck to Riding it was Me, IF_rider , Berkshire rider and Dave.

Here is Berkshire_rider coming down a fun Hill.

IF_rider Coming Down the fire wall

Dave was riding his BIG HIT which has 24 inch wheels and they don't make studded tires for 24 inch wheels , so Dave was doing a little slip sliding away.

he was having Mucho trouble climbing little moab

Coming down the other side was interesting even with studs on.


Dave Hucking a rock, who cares if the landing is slippery as .....

Houston we have a problem , just a wee bit slippery

Bershire rider approaching an Ice Step , None of us made it today

Berkshire_rider down a Rock incline

IF_rider hucking a rock

and Finally the Big Swamp is frozen , since a quad went through it while it was slushy made it rough ice , which made it possible for dave to ride it with out studs , but very slowly. US with Studs had a fun time with this . it is about 100 Yards long .



Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
chicodude01 said:
I feel like a wuss now, I didn't wanna go ride when it was 40 degrees outside.....
It was -7 when I left to go to this ride this morning. The strange thing is none of us were cold during the ride. Maybe a little bit when we were first starting out, but after we started riding, no problems. Riding is always fun. Especially at 'Nam. :)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Man I need to get my bike back together and ride. I use to ride in the snow all the time but this year has been different... plus my bike is in pieces. Next week it will be ready for action if I can come up with $600.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
CChase86 said:
Vietnam is EXCELLENT in the winter. Riding in the woods is killer in the snow there.
Even better with studded tires. It took a little bit to convince myself to spend $70 a tire for the Nokian Extreme's, but after 2 rides, I feel they are worth it. There was a lot of stuff today that I probably could not have ridden without them.


Nam I am
berkshire_rider said:
Even better with studded tires. It took a little bit to convince myself to spend $70 a tire for the Nokian Extreme's, but after 2 rides, I feel they are worth it. There was a lot of stuff today that I probably could not have ridden without them.
Studded tires == Good :thumb:

but after all the snow we got boy am I glad we got this ride in !