
A good lesson.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Hi guys, its been a little while since i've posted anything. I would just like to apologize if i worried anyone a while ago. But here's the low down. Ever since then i've been on my bike training my ass off for this season pretty much 90% of the time. And it was a really good thing to do.

While training I found my passion for the sport again, and how it just takes you away from everything else. That its not about how fast you are or how huge you can go that makes you progress, its the amplitude of passion you have for that two wheeled simple idea. Well I recently wrote this thing for english class, and I thought I'd share it with you guys.


In life there is one thing that makes you as full of happiness as anything else. This one passion, this one entity, can completey change your mood in a split second. For me this love is for a simple machine that most think is just a recreational toy.

There's just something about it, whether your riding on the road and you can hear everything from the tires against the pavement to the dog that just completely gave up chasing your feet. Or whether your in the forest hearing the crunch, and shred of the leaves and soil beneath your wheels.

Its just this simplicity that can be so complicated to explain, that whenever some one asks why it is so important, your response is just blank. I can only show them; show them how it feels to have the wind and the fresh air of the woods in your lungs; how it feels to carve a berm so perfectly that you hear your tires cutting into the loose pack.

Though, sometimes one can get caught up in trying to progress so much that you forget to go back to the simplicity of it all. The place where you first learned to ride; and feel the birds and the trees, and the rush of the breeze. Life throws a ton of trails at you but the most enlightening one to take is the singletrack, the one to take by yourself only and see how it treats you.

But yeah thats that. thought it'd be something good to share.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I like it and I can relate. Last year was bikeless for me and I thought I had enough going on that I wouldn't notice. I was wrong.

The saying goes, the worst day biking is better than the best day working.


Good stuff. I must admit that I will miss the laxative in the brownie threads though. I hope all is clearing up for you, bro. Your writing shows the intelligence in kids that, I for one, am refreshed to see. Welcome to the small group of kids in the world that I continue to have respect for. :thumb: