Seeing as how the World heath organization says that we are ranked 37th in the world for healthcare behind something like 36 socialized medicine programs
And I'm pretty sure none of those countries ahead of us on any of those 3 lists have private systems, they all seem to be dieing later, being borne more of the time, and over all providing better care
Now I know you're a republican so you have trouble with facts and figures, as they tend to disprove most of the points you make. But if you look on that last link there, we spend literally twice what every other country pays per person (except norway, and we still bet them by 50%) for ummm lets see, worse care.
But if you're "freedom" to choose your doctor, be able to be denied care, and simply have no hope of getting an organ transplant, not because of the list, but because of the cost, then have fun. But the statistics show you're "freedom" is super expensive and doesn't work in this instance
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