
A LBS rant


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
If you can call Bike Doctor a "local" bike shop. Went in today, money in pocket, ready to buy a 29er. 30 minutes later after no acknowledgment from any of the staff, including the 2 watching the baseball game, I left. I know the store manager wasn't there because I overheard one of the sales staff say so to another customer.

I know a lot of you own or work in a LBS and I know they aren't all like this by any stretch. My LBS in PA was awesome and great at customer service. But, it only takes a novice to experience something like this to go to big box store or online and purchase their bike.

Me? I'll call the manager tomorrow and tell him why I won't spend my money with his shop, then will most likely go to bikesdirect.com to start shopping.

:rant complete:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i'd go in one more time just to tell them his help can eat a whole bag of dicks with two cans off asshole on the side.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2006
Well said! So well said, in fact, that:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to stevew again.

Agreed. Ive been trying to rep him for days. my rep meter blows!

Give em a second chance X3. If it doesnt work out, then give em the bag of dicks!


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Tell the manager- he'll appreciate the opportunity to axe these dumbasses. My wife asks for deals when stores fail, and usually they hook her up.
usually I just talk a bunch of sh!t and never go back :D


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I have always worked on my own stuff but while visiting some friends my Avid Elixers done broke. Having few tools and no good place to wrench I dropped the bike off at the lbs. It took a week for them to look at the bike, avid had the parts there a few days later. Two weeks after dropping it off I took back my bike and installed some old hopes I borrowed, I left the bad brakes to be repaired. Three weeks after dropping off I picked up the still unfixed brakes with the warranteed parts from avid, bought a bleed kit from another shop and fixed the **** myself. There ain't no service like self service.
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
My alledgedly reputable and cool LBS always has to order everything...they have everything but nothing you ever need. I took a single speed rear wheel in there with hub issues and the guy looked at me like I was from outer space. Yeah its an old Spot, but really dude, how ong have you been working on bikes? Never seen a single speed? BMX wheel? I just needed you to find me a new axle to replace the one that is all gnarled up...not so hard. I tried him again to see about getting a middle ring for my NEXT cranks...he says check with me next Weds. Next Weds he has nothing...check with me next Weds...I order from some guy on Ebay, I have it in 3 days. I will use the local big box store for maintenance before I take anything to him...but I may have him order me a Mussing, they are pretty cool.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
My alledgedly reputable and cool LBS always has to order everything...they have everything but nothing you ever need.
Yeah. I don't understand the idea behind paying the mark up for them to order something that I can order and receive in a shorter period of time for less money. I know inventory is expensive and all that. But they need to find a better way of doing things.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
The advent of the internet bike shop drove a friend out of business. I was full of suggestions for him to stay afloat. In order to survive, a shop MUST adapt...and that takes service that is A+++++. I suggested he push to install internet purchased parts, just at a slightly higher rate. Seems fair, right? As a consumer, I need to be sucked up to a little, made to feel special even if I am not. When a customer comes through the door, someone needs to be making contact with him or her almost immediately, and even if they are only browsing, the clerk needs to remain available for anything that customer needs for the duration of his visit. A sweet deal here and there helps too...this is why buyers clubs and premium memberships help internet shops to gain our dollars.
I do most of my own maintenance...totally ham fisted and often have to do it twice to get it right. But I enjoy it...to take that away fromme is going to take a pretty special effort from a shop.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
It really is amazing how poorly LBSes think they can treat their customers sometimes. My local HWEEL HWORKS is notoriously bad. Sometimes I get a guy happy to help. Sometimes I stand around for 15 minutes with nary a hipster in sight. Usually if I head to the LBS, I need something that day or I need to try it on. I'd rather leave empty handed than support businesses like that. There's another LBS that's the crusty old JBP of bike shops, and they're pretty much the only ones I trust with doing work that I cannot do, like adjusting cones (wheee!). Too bad their selection kind of sucks...

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
You had a horrible experience by a bike shop that has not adapted to the new age, that being customer service is key as others had previously mentioned. I haven't worked in my local shop this year, but we were always good at engaging customers once they came in - acknowledging them and then approaching them to see if that had any questions, etc. Bike shops can't compete on price with online sites, but they can win people over via service.

I'd echo again what others have said: call the manager and tell them about your experience and why you're going elsewhere.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Yall's bike shops suck.

California Peldaler is the place to be if you are in the SF bay area and looking for a shop.

They are not a DH shop with lots of crazy sh!t on the floor and they don't have every random old part you need but they are smart well managed guys who always do a good job. Chris is the best mechanic I have ever worked with and he is the only person I have build wheels for me any more.

So if you are looking for great service and the most skilled professionals around hit them up.

PS they also have sweet CalPed jerseys and tees.



Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Got a call back from the manager AND the owner. Turns out several of the guys at work knew them and called them as well with a WTF? They said all the right things and asked for another chance at my business with a discount on the bike I want. I said OK, let's try it again. We will see how this turns out. I may actually finally be a fad boy 29er SS dude.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I would totally love a LBS that offered Sandwich's. Friday could be fried fish. Tuesday could be Turkey. Free sandwich's would really draw them in. If they also fixed your bike that would be cool too. But I would be happy with free sandwich's.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
jd: free beers would keep better. Imagine how pissed you'd be if you got food poisoning AND they didn't have the parts you needed!


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008

Might I suggest a good old fashioned punch to their monitor?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru

whats wrong with you people?
people working at lbs are people; just like you, not humanoid slaves bred to inflate your ego and stroke your self-esteem for the $200 markup they have on an entry level singlespeed...

go to a store, ask for information and prices. easy as that.
if they dont give you any information or arent helpful, then walk away, there are many other stores; but dont walk out butthurt because nobody came to polish your knob as soon as the door chimed in....

jeeeezus! this customer service expectations are becoming borderline mendicity on the seller´s labor.... let the workers retain some dignity, and do not inflate your chest at begging calls for your business...
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
my rant is when people correctly follow the rules of orthographic styling for abbreviating a phrase which would take the indefinite article "a" into an initialism, and then fail to change the article to "an" when converted for pronunciation

"A local bike shop rant"
"An LBS rant"

fellow americans: if you're going to use only one language, please try to take it srsly


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
LOL: "****ing customers, they come in my shop and expect service. They should just figure it out themselves instead of bothering us while we get paid to watch TV"

Ah yes, figure it out we do....by buying online!


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
After talking to a friend working for an LBS i find the complaints about the interwebz killing them funny.

My friend works for the largest stationary BMX shop in Poland and from what they say in yurp. It's the only bmx shop I've been to that doesn't frown on mtb guys trying to buy stuff. For every bike you buy (even the crappy 400$ ones) you get 2 free lessons in their school (they have top riders from Poland + guest coaches from around the world) and a lifetime free of charge service as long as you pay for the damaged parts.
That's how you should keep an LBS alive.

But on the other hand instead of complaining about the web they have a web page and have the fastest delivery times I have seen ever. Order at 5pm and at 9am next day you have a new bmx part on your doorstep even if you live 500km apart.

You can do both and you can do both good. I've seen local shops support events and the scene as well as webshops (two of them support almost all dj events in my city) so why should I care about LBS and not about webshops that also support the community?


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
my rant is when people correctly follow the rules of orthographic styling for abbreviating a phrase which would take the indefinite article "a" into an initialism, and then fail to change the article to "an" when converted for pronunciation

"A local bike shop rant"
"An LBS rant"

fellow americans: if you're going to use only one language, please try to take it srsly
fvck you with A long hot poker or
fvck you with AN long hot poker