here is the deal, i have a job interview tomorrow for a really cool job and i hope i get it but im not sure i will. Currently living in the mountains in asheville nc. If i get the job all will be good, if i dont im kind screwed. However if i dont get it i should have enough money left over to move to Flagstaff AZ and i can work at a Flagstaff brew pub where my best friend can hook me up with a job (low pay kinda stuff)and he has a room that will be opening up at the end of the month at his house that will run me 285 a month. Should i go or keep fighting the piss poor job market here in western NC?
i really hope i get the fly fishing guide/instructor job but if not should i try to stay or should i move?
i really hope i get the fly fishing guide/instructor job but if not should i try to stay or should i move?