So I went to clear a big tree from the trail. It was about 18" in diameter. It was in a crappy corner so it was a pain in the ass to ride and might have been impossible for most riders. Anyhow, we cut to the chase. I borrowed a Stihl 025 chainsaw to go cut this up. Went out in the mud since it won't stop raining and fired the saw up after a bit of trying. It ran so weak it took several minutes to cut a 4" limb. I screwed with the saw for an hour. Really pissed off the wife and I headed home. Unfortunately we have a credit card and I am somewhat spontaneous so we did a little research and headed to Lowe's for a chainsaw. $471 later, I own this. I did buy a case for $30 and a 3 year service plan for $40. I usually don't buy into that, but indeed have had my fill of trying to get a chainsaw to run. If you need a tree cut, call me. Here she is -