
A little bit of weekday riding (pics!)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
This place needs more riding pics so here you go. Took these at Ellings park in Santa Barbara. Managed to sneak out of the lab a little early on Thursday. Then did some front side shuttle runs shuttle runs (~5k vert total) on Friday, and then did a little bit of riding in SLO today. Might do a few more shuttle runs tomorrow in SB. Stay tuned!

Me on the hardtail.

My buddy at the top of the slalom track. It's a bit over exposed, but thats the ocean in the background

Him again, at the top of the "DH" course, Mountain view this time

A better ocean view

A little ladder drop.

Me hitting a little table

Don't I make a LARGE chase with a 100mm argyle look freakishly small?


Nov 17, 2007
Maumee, Ohio
Jeez, it really is no wonder why the cost of living out there is absurd and why people still move there. I could buy a 7,000sqft house here in Ohio for what it costs to buy an 800sqft bungalow out there. But then again, in the end all I would have is a huge house in Ohio LOL.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Jeez, it really is no wonder why the cost of living out there is absurd and why people still move there. I could buy a 7,000sqft house here in Ohio for what it costs to buy an 800sqft bungalow out there. But then again, in the end all I would have is a huge house in Ohio LOL.
I wouldnt say thats entirely true. Ohio's riding is short, but surprisingly fun. I moved back here from Cali because I was tired over the cost of living, the cramped spaces and the overall amount of dickbags that litter California's landscape. I do miss riding year round though, or at least riding year round in shorts and t-shirts.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
ill be there soon enough.

sweet pics btw, need more action shots tho, to much sitting on your bike photos!
Ya, It was such a nice day, and I've never seen anyone post pics of the scenery so I thought I'd show that off a bit. I'll try and get some actions shots today if my buddy will wake his lazy ass up to go ride jesusita. Give us a ring if you want a tour guide.

Jeez, it really is no wonder why the cost of living out there is absurd and why people still move there. I could buy a 7,000sqft house here in Ohio for what it costs to buy an 800sqft bungalow out there. But then again, in the end all I would have is a huge house in Ohio LOL.
I here ya. I pay $750 +util. for a pretty small place, out in the middle of nowhere. But glad I left IL for this place.