Thanks for the lunchtime reading. I assume you posted this in reference to the 9/11 stuff I recently posted.
This article makes generalizations and suggests that it is perfectly acceptable to disregard things that do not fit into the mainstream orthodoxy. It also suggests that, in general, the crackpots go for the big score, the universal theory of everything.
In addressing these points, I would like to state that science does not KNOW the answers to all things. This is why there is the scientific method, hypothesis, and testing. Our knowledge is constantly improving as a result. To accept only the "accepted" knowledge provided by science and not test the boundaries of understanding is short sighted in my opinion. If we only accepted the general orthodoxy, we might still be living on a flat Earth today.
In response to the second point, I would like to state that the paper does no more than make the statement that a super-thermite compound was found in dust from the WTC. It is pretty far from a universal theory of everything. Such a compound was not found in the residue in the studies by NIST. Of course, they didn't look for it either. Funny to think that one might not find something that they are not looking for.
I also take note of the publication date on the article (April 1) and wonder if there is any seriousness in it at all.
are you trying to say that that isn't what causes the tides? do you honestly expect me to believe that an invisible force generated by an object 238k miles from earth is the cause? preposterous.
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