
A little road ride

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
So there is this castle like structure on top of a "mountain" near my condo. I've been wanting to ride up to it for some time. Well today was the day I did it.

BigT was away for the weekend, so after I stained the deck, I got on my road bike and made my assault on Castle Craig (the official name).

I live in the valley, so this is up hill pretty much all the way. The craig is located in Hubbard Park in Meriden, and is open to vehicle traffic until 4:45 when they lock the gate. I started at about 3:30 and made it to the top by 4:30. That's right, I'm slow.

The little thing jutting up from the top is where I'm going. Taken from the 691 overpass.

I rode through Hubbard Park to get to the entrance and then the road goes around a small lake. When you pass the gate, it is about 2 miles to the top.

I made it!!!!!

The tower is 32 feet high on 976 foot East Peak in Meriden's Hubbard Park.

Side shot of the tower, from near the flag pole.

The small pond with the fountains is where I started to climb.

I ended up doing 20 miles in just under 2 hours. Like I said, I'm slow.