
A little trip to the ER


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
not me this time....:D

i finally got daniel moser out to garlics place while he's down for spring break. after a few runs he had the big line dialed.

pic of me on big line for lack of a pic of moser on it

but, being the huck/jumper that he is he preferred the original line and boosted the crap out of it on several runs

then, while he was working up to a 3 star he went for a x-up and it didn't go so well.

this is the x-up

and this is the aftermath of his face lawndarting into the bottom of the lander

he seemed fine at first, a little dazed, but coherent...so brad hooked him up with a beer

then he kept asking what day it was and so i offered to drive him home. so as we're loading up my car he kept asking where his keys were and whether his windows were rolled up on his car.....over and over. so we decided the ER might be the best place for him to go.
the drive there was such a role reversal and rather humorous. about 5 years ago he and some other high school age kids i rode with took me to the ER for the same thing.
anyway, all is well and he's already back home with a diagnosis of a mild concussion. better safe than sorry, i suppose. :thumb:

oh yeah...while i'm on the topic of garlics place.
i snagged a shot of noah working his mini through the berm. a little more practice and he'll clear the long and low before the first big double :thumb:



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
nope...he called me about an hour ago and said they released him. we figured that the beer was probably not such a good idea...but, at the time, he was acting fine.

i had a head CT scan for my concussion but i was way worse on mental faculties so i'm not sure why they didn't scan his cat ;) i suppose him have no LOC makes a difference too. i was out for about a minute with mine
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