....And right on cue This kind of frother logic is a special favourite: It's war, we can do whatever the hell we want. Including killing un-armed civilians. Fantastic. Yay democracy.
I don't recall ever saying we can do whatever we want, but nice try anyway. It's war and it's a ****ty thing. This is a book about someone who is trying to cope with the things he has seen and done, not an endorsement of them. Get over yourself.
I don't recall ever saying we can do whatever we want, but nice try anyway. It's war and it's a ****ty thing. This is a book about someone who is trying to cope with the things he has seen and done, not an endorsement of them. Get over yourself.
Great , more get out of jail free cards. Quite frankly that's as weak as piss. This idea that "well it's war, sh*t happens" doesn't fly with me. People make sh*t happen through their own will. It's about time we called a spade a spade. Aren't we supposed to be the good guys, don't we have a moral standard to live up to? Anyone not outraged at the killing of un-armed civilians has got a serious defect in their moral compass. If this guy wants me to feel sorry for him because of all he's been through then I'm not buying. He can assuage his conscience with someone elses sympathy.
Great , more get out of jail free cards. Quite frankly that's as weak as piss. This idea that "well it's war, sh*t happens" doesn't fly with me. People make sh*t happen through their own will. It's about time we called a spade a spade. Aren't we supposed to be the good guys, don't we have a moral standard to live up to? Anyone not outraged at the killing of un-armed civilians has got a serious defect in their moral compass. If this guy wants me to feel sorry for him because of all he's been through then I'm not buying. He can assuage his conscience with someone elses sympathy.
Did you call valve bouncer "son" because he writes from Japan? Or in your ripe age of 20 do you already have the habit of calling opponents with slighting "son"?
look race-baiter, here in amrika, we call each other son as others are called lad, dude, bro. It's a homophone, not a cognate. Let's get back to discussing this topic as it applies to free-speech/hate-speech/frothing, m-kay?
oh hey valvie: i think that marine called them f-ing ragheads, not iraqis. (but only for "poetic effect"; it's a "leatherneck slam", you see)
Aren't we supposed to be the good guys, don't we have a moral standard to live up to? Anyone not outraged at the killing of un-armed civilians has got a serious defect in their moral compass.
We aren't the good guys. We may have done some good things, but we've done some horrible things as well. I happen to think we aren't the good guys for the simple fact that 98% of Americans would be hard pressed to tell you something that the country has done that was bad...while 100% could spend days extolling the virtues of the land of the free.
Our moral standard is money and markets. So, expect us to live up to that. Held against that standard, we're doing a fine job. Compasses are easy to recalibrate as well. You call them un-armed civilians, N8 calls them potential terrorists (and since they could be bad, we should err on the side that protects Americans, no matter what.)
so, if we're not the good guys, yet good comes of this - & i believe it has & will continue - then to whom do we contribute the goodness? the terrorists (whether real or perceived)? the coalition of the willing, bribed, threathened? the francophiles? those who did their level best to prevent a conflict & protect their own assets (oil contracts nost notably)? the civilians killed? if you cannot find any good party in this, then how could anyone conclude this resultant situation is anything but bad?
Whether or not good comes of this adventure depends on your point of view. You can't point to something done on a mess of lies and deceits, with massive human cost and significant side benefits to the US and conclude that we are good just because something decent came out of it.
Cubans don't go bankrupt paying for healthcare. Does that make Castro a good guy?
no, cuba went bankrupt when it tried to increase their sugar exports by an order of magnitude. Castro gutted the working populace, making it domestic policy for all to work in the sugar industry ("...by each according to their ability" anybody?)
if i understand your position, would you also say there are no good wars? i'm pretty sure our revolutionary & civil wars are worthy of praise, save for the atomic level incidents.
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