
A new house means new projects


Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2006
Hey guys,
I just moved into a new house today. My mom was sick of our old house and everything in it was breaking, so we packed up and left. The new house is very cool, and the lease gurantees at least 2 years. Anyways, there is this back area below the lawn that slopes downward for about 15-20 feet and then flattens into this big meadow or wild grass that goes for about 200-300 feet. The area is about 125 feet wide, which gives me bajillions of options as to what I can do with the area. The owners don't care about it at all, so I'm thinking I'll develop it into a mix of dirt jumps and some other madness. I've got enough room to put in a very sick six pack (say that 10 times fast), and some other stuff, but I can't decide what. I'm thinking I'll make a big berm after the pack, but then I've got a bunch of options. I can put in some rollers to pump and then maybe another jump afterwards, but I want something that will be a little more exciting. I had a pump track at my last house, and although it was small, it gave me a taste of what a big one would be like, and I don't think it was worth the work. Useful for practicing my pumping ability, but it wasn't as fun as djs, and it took a lot more sculpting and trial and error. I'm not very good at woodworking, but I'm thinking a wallride would be amazing. Here's the order I'd like in an ideal situation:
1)roll in
6)rollers to pick up speed

There is always room for improvement of course, and there will likely be skinnies spread around too. Can anyone give me tips on building though?
I'd like to know a little bit about jump building to get an idea of a size I should make. Also, can someone give me tips on wallride building? I have no idea how to do it. Please let me know who can help.