
A plea to parents everywhere:


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Toshi said:
people need to step up and take responsibility. the computer does not make you stupid. the tv does not make you stupid. sitting around iming with horrible spelling and grammar, or watching soap operas and talk shows all day is what makes you stupid :D
The computer is akin to the machine gun in World War I. It magnifies stupidity and laziness to previously unheard of levels. I used to have to deal with idiocy in localized pockets, now I can read one of mack's posts on Ridemonkey anywhere in the world.

It's depressing.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
narlus said:
in the past 12 months we've been to paris, stockholm, denmark, and prague w/ our 2.5 and 4.5 year old boys. what's yr point?
You're definitely out of the norm - and well traveled, I like that. It's a shame that only 25% of americans have a passport.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
mack said:
I find that Spell Check get me into allot of trouble when I use it.
Im not gunna ask!

Mack and I use it for the same reason bcuz we are in the same sittuation... boarding school, but he is a day student. :nuts: and to keep up with friends from home, but mainly acadmic reasons. :rolleyes:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Silver said:
If you have kids, and you let them use the internet, please don't let them use instant messaging.

It's turning otherwise normal kids into cretins unable to communicate with the outside world.

edit: A spelling mistake, imagine that...
Don't blame IM - blame age. 13-20year olds are generally speaking some of the most retarded creatures on the planet.



mack said:
I find that Spell Check get me into allot of trouble when I use it.
If you are referring to spelling trouble, it's not keeping you out of it by not using it, bro.


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
Austin Bike said:
...well traveled, I like that. It's a shame that only 25% of americans have a passport.
It takes $$$ to "Travel" (unless it's part of your job).

My two teenage boys use multiple AIM windows open at one time, but they only talk to people they know from School & such...
(well - that they tell us anyways. :think:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I think stoney must IM alot of kids, he seems to be pretty current on when it's appropriate to use the ! and when 1 should be substituted.


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
mtnbkr4235 said:
Hm....I can see why that is definitely an issue, but I am 16 and use instant messaging all the time. Seems like I have fairly good communicating skills to an extent. Although it seems more often now adays at school instead of giving out your phone number to somebody its giving them your IM screen name.
i have a total of 4, yes, 4, names in my aim address book. and a lot of phone numbers. i agree that too much time staring at ANY screen is bad for you. (said the boy staring at the computer). i know a kid who is totally addicted to halo 2. he is famous for being a video game freak, and really is a pretty weird kid. if kyle reads this, you know ted. he needs some eRehab.


Jul 17, 2002
Minneapolis, MN
gah! it frustrates me so much when kids (ok, so i'm too young to be saying "those damn kids" but i'm going to anyway) don't know how to spell ANYTHING unless it's an internet short-hand. i was talking to a 13 year old that lives across the street from me and she wanted me to proof-read a paper she wrote for class, and there were like four instances of things like "r" for "are" or "ppl" for "people" and it's so damn annoying!


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Mumbles said:
gah! it frustrates me so much when kids (ok, so i'm too young to be saying "those damn kids" but i'm going to anyway) don't know how to spell ANYTHING unless it's an internet short-hand. i was talking to a 13 year old that lives across the street from me and she wanted me to proof-read a paper she wrote for class, and there were like four instances of things like "r" for "are" or "ppl" for "people" and it's so damn annoying!
You have a really good point and I'm guilt but it still bugs me when im in the same situation. I use AIM all the time because I have nothing better to do at school since my bike is broken and all boxed up to go home. Its a nice way to communicate and keep the phone lines open for the adults of the family.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
priceseliger14 said:
Im not gunna ask!

Mack and I use it for the same reason bcuz we are in the same sittuation... boarding school, but he is a day student. :nuts: and to keep up with friends from home, but mainly acadmic reasons. :rolleyes:
i can afford to board punk! :eviltongu: any way boarding is crappy! :D


priceseliger14 said:
You have a really good point and I'm guilt but it still bugs me when im in the same situation. I use AIM all the time because I have nothing better to do at school since my bike is broken and all boxed up to go home. Its a nice way to communicate and keep the phone lines open for the adults of the family.
How exactly did you become guilt??? Did you have to give up being a kid to do so??? Is it like being the ghost of Christmas past??? What the hell would you being doing at school if your bike wasn't broken??? I see a pattern of incomplete thought here.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Austin Bike said:
You're definitely out of the norm - and well traveled, I like that. It's a shame that only 25% of americans have a passport.
For Americans but not the rest of the world.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
priceseliger14 said:
Im not gunna ask!

Mack and I use it for the same reason bcuz we are in the same sittuation... boarding school, but he is a day student. :nuts: and to keep up with friends from home, but mainly acadmic reasons. :rolleyes:
Your parents should get a refund.
Just tell them to print out this thread and take it to your school.
It should work like an instant rebate.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
I think my time wasted on this forum is a good as excuse for not geting a A in chemistry as AIM.

Both are prettty legitament. edit


Jeremy R said:
You parents should get a refund.
Just tell them to print out this thread and take it to your school.
It should work like an instant rebate.
If will work if Mack doesn't fix legitimate.


mack said:
I think my time wasted on this forum is a good as excuse for not geting a A in chemistry as AIM.

Both are prettty ligitament.
The fact that you almost spelled ligament should explain spelling or biology. I don't see why you would not do well in chemistry. :think:


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
JMAC said:
I dunno in my english class today we got back an exam. It was an in-class essay thing, anyways my friend just barely passed cause of his spelling. He says "wtf they shouldn;t mark ppl on their spelling anymore, I don't know how to spell without spell check."
"wtf they shouldn;t mark ppl on their spelling ne-more, I don't know how 2 spell w/o spell check."

No THAT is how you say it...


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
loco said:
How exactly did you become guilt??? Did you have to give up being a kid to do so??? Is it like being the ghost of Christmas past??? What the hell would you being doing at school if your bike wasn't broken??? I see a pattern of incomplete thought here.
i ment guilty!!! but ur complex thoughts confus me! u really never miss a thing do ya? :think: i go to boarding school and i brought my steelhead with me and it got really messed up. So if that helps. I would probley ride alot me than spend time on AIM but it is cold and rainy. i think i confused myself.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
You still havent fixed it? Slacker. When are you changing school.

Price is currently in a all boys school. Point and laugh.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
thats not funny... i wanna go to kent but will prolly end up at avon or berkshire... and did u need to tell everyone about my current situation? thats not cool!!! well im stuck here untill early june! maybe kent will accept me!

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
JMAC said:
For Americans but not the rest of the world.

My point exactly ;)

When I am addressing large groups of salespeople in our regional offices I always tell this joke:

If you can speak 3 languages, you're tri-lingual, if you can speak 2 languages, you're bi-lingual, and if you can speak one language, you're an american." That really breaks the ice and lets everyone know that you respect the fact that they can be trained in a secondary language. In Zurich the hotel clerk spoke no less than 5 languages to different people while I was checking in. It may have been 6 but my german is really rusty so I couldn't tell if there was another dialect in there, the others were pretty clear.


priceseliger14 said:
i ment guilty!!! but ur complex thoughts confus me! u really never miss a thing do ya? :think: i go to boarding school and i brought my steelhead with me and it got really messed up. So if that helps. I would probley ride alot me than spend time on AIM but it is cold and rainy. i think i confused myself.
Oh - you live at the school. I get it. I thought you meant that you would ride instead of taking English classes (the one that I notice you had better not skip). :D


ViolentVolante said:
maybe if I said that it'd be funny, but you live on a farm, which is just as bad
What are you talking about??? Illinois is just one giant farm. :think: