
A Racing Story - Ruston La.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Start was kind of slow from what I’m used too, I jumped up in the top 5 pretty quickly amid a flurry of shifting and miss shifting. Word of advice from the toninator – start in the big ring especially for Ruston.
We head down to the end of the run to the left hand corner and I have to ‘remind’ the newbie’s to keep their lines. Then down to the right and up the little hill next to the pond. That’s when people started passing. As far as I could tell there was at this time only one group a head. I figured that one would probably splinter into 2 and we’d catch the second group down the road a little.
We quickly form a nice small pack of about 4 guys that would ride together pretty much most of the race. At this point only about a ¼ into the race I’m pushing a little harder than I wanted too but just stick with it. The group I’m in is made up of pretty stronger riders with decent skills so we kind of work well together. 1 guy was from N’orlins, one of the guys was from Mississippi/Missouri and I think the other guy was also from La somewhere but I never found out (rrc racer.)
I was wondering where Tobin was because I needed a partner to talk smack with and too. I yelled out for him but when he replied it seemed like he was a long way back. If he wanted to ride together he was going to have to catch up. Our little group was trucking along and I was talking trying to keep our group lively and found out that a couple of the guys haven’t raced in a while and 1 was a rodie and this was only his second mtb race. He quickly came to the decision that it was better to stay behind me because I was better on the technical stuff than he was. I told him that I was going for points I was just out to race and that if he needed points he should take the lead. He said the same so we just kept going.
The lead of our group changed in and out pretty much this whole lap but for the most part we stayed together. A couple of the guys got a head of me but they were never more that a 100 yards and most of the time when they looked they could not see me so I just laid in wait.
Although the time didn’t reflect it the first lap was hard and fast and at the start finish area I was pretty concerned because I felt totally blown. Our group had come back together and I could see it also on pretty much everybody else’s faces. I then started developing my second lap strategy.
I choked down some gu and decided that I was going to get back with the group and get behind the strong of the 2 guys left and just ride and try to recover on the first section. Then after that hard bermed right hand turn down the fence line start turning up the screws a little. Then after Tomac I’d make my push. I wanted to but far enough ahead by the time I got to Bat Cave that even if I blew up it wouldn’t matter because everybody else would be to far back to make a move.
So we get into the single track and start moving pretty good. I actually feel like I have recovered but still sit in. some how RRC gets out front again but is kind of in no mans land between out group and a group in front. BMW asks if we should reel him back in. I said that I though he looked strong but it was still early in the lap and that we should just let him be. Gary Fisher guy starts to slow a little too much so I decided to take the lead and at this point I decided that I was going to stay there.
I jump up front but tell GF to just stay on I wasn’t going to speed up too much, this was just before the downhill by the road with the little jumps on it. I see RRC ahead and know that were going to catch him soon. I blow down that section this time but try not to catch too much air all the time thinking ‘speed.’ We catch RRC and as I pass I tell him to just latch on to the end and that we ‘weren’t going all that fast so he could hang on.’ Some times it’s easier to follow than lead. I don’t really like leading but in this instance it was all part of the master plan and even kind of left some of the other guys were conspiring against me and they were going to try to use me up, and it almost worked.
After we passed RRC the trial smoothes out and is a fun and twisty section.We popped back out onto a fence line climb and had picked up a few stragglers that we had passed. One of the guys makes a move at the top of the climb before we make the right hand turn into the last section before we cross the road over to Tomac. He didn’t really say anything but I heard him coming around. He swung wide and tried to pass but the dirt was loose and he slid out and hit the ground right in front of me. I had no choice but to run right over his bike. He did do a neat move where he rolled up into a ball and rolled of the trial. I’ll give him 8 for the rollie ball move but like a 3 for the pass, he’d of been able to make a nice clean pass had he just said ‘left.’
I started tightening up the screws here. I sped up just a little but I mostly concentrated on keeping control and staying smooth so I didn’t have to scrub off any speed or knob out. I didn’t look behind but it did feel like they were feeling the pressure because I couldn’t hear any chain slap or any other noises usually associated with people following close.
We crossed over the road on the way to Tomac. I didn’t really push through this section because I was trying to focus on keeping a good pace for the section after Tomac and before the switchbacks out of there. Last year I totally tanked on this section and wanted to be able to use this section to my advantage. Down Tomac and back around over the little right hander to the bridge. I could feel people behind me but couldnt take the time to look around. I’m pretty sure BWM and GF was there close behind. I did slack up a little in this section but tired to focus on skills. This section is fun and fast and right around here is where the S5 passed me. I told him an S7 had went through shortly before and I wanted him to hunt him down and pass him :p
Before we got to the creek crossing that leads back out to the hill that goes up before the switchbacks I was able to look behind. I’m pretty sure BMW was there but couldn’t see anyone else. Then as I’m barneying out on the slick part coming out of the creek crossing, someone passes me. I think ‘Shoot have you been going that slow?’ and I realize I probably was but luckily it was another S7, damn those guys are fast.
I head back down the hill to and make the first switchback and this is the first chance I get to size up the competition. Because from here on out it’s ON!
I look back and to my surprise GF is right there and BMW isn’t anywhere to be seen. He could have been right behind him but because of the race induced adrenaline haze, everything behind him is just colors and shapes.
GF makes a move to catch me on the switch back and almost does. I was pretty impressed with that but as I top the climb and get over the road I get a couple of deep breaths and make my move. From here to the end I was going to give it my all. This next section if fun, fast and sweepy and totally begs for the big ring, and I oblige. As I get to the hill at the end I look back and there is NOBODY behind, they might have been hiding but as far as I was concerned they weren’t there.
The little technical climbs in this section started taking their toll on me as I figured from the start. So I just settled into a good pace and waited for the group to catch up. I’d look back and hear another bike. I look and there wasn’t anybody there but before I’d look back forward I’d catch a glimpse of a swath of color moving through the woods. Are they behind me? Are they ahead? Didn’t really matter I had to just keep pedaling. I did pretty poorly in this section.
The trail popped out into another kind of open section and I was able to catch my breath. I remember that from here to the end it was pretty fast and flowed nicely. I sped up once again and made the big push to the end. I could hear bikes around but can’t remember seeing anyone. I popped out on the last fence line downhill by the lake and tried to get a glance behind me at the top of that climb, I only say 1 person and he was way back. Didn’t know who it was but I wanted to stay ahead of him. No chance. That dude was MOVING and caught me at the top of the last climb before the Bat Cave. Luckily it was another s7, dang those guys are fast.
I was almost completely blown at this point and hoped I had put enough distance on the guys behind me because I didn’t have anything left to defend my position. I ran up the Bat Cave climb, heart rate hit MAX. Jumped back on and soft pedaled to the top and got ready to fly down that last hill. I took another look back, again nobody there.
Down the hill and up the road to the left hand near the finish, I looked back one final time. I just KNEW GF or BMW was going to pass but there was nobody there. I tried to push hard to the end but I had nothing left and just kind of coasted.
It was an awesome race even though I was pretty slow. I was a lot of fun racing and talking with the racers for different states.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus

Sounds like a great race!!!

I didn't make it over to Rustonia... damn it...

But we had several LOCO riders out there... including a nut on a single speed...

The weather was beautiful if not a little warm though... at least there was no rain this year..


The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Echo said:
So what was your finishing position? Sounds like you kicked some pretty good ass.
not so good. i havent really been doing any riding since sept so i was just using this race to start getting used to riding hard again.
i was 12/25.