
A ride in the hills


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Thanks to Skookums this ride looks absolutely pitiful but I can guarantee it was tons of fun.

Last week to beat the heat I did some rides up in some local mountain. July 4th it was Douthat State park near the West Virginia border. Trails were emtpy short of some deer, turkeys and hawks. It was a long but easy climb up to middle mountain, it felt like you were riding in a tunnel of vegetation the whole way.

Sweet blueberry scented singletrack

Once on the ridgeline things got a little rockier with some fast rolling trail.

It was a long fast descent off the mountain. We then climbed up to Mountain top. Higher elevation and steeper faces made the climbing harder and opened up the scenery a bit.

Those hills roll on forever. The humidity limited visibility.

On Saturday I stayed close to home and headed up to Sherando.

Views from the top

Rode some rocks, some more rocks and some bigger rocks.



Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
I really need to hit up both of those spots...

nice work, thanks for putting those up!