
A ride report for the snowbound


Apr 4, 2002
Mission: Impossible

I'm tired of taking pictures of empty trails, so I was determined this weekend to take some with people in them. I started with statues because they don't move.

Or so I thought. Hmmm.....

Friday was portentious, because no one else showed up for the Beer Ride, which is the big weekly ride around here. Wankers. Beautiful night, too. And although I tried to interest some folks in Saturday's little jaunt, at the appointed time it was again just me in the parking lot. More wankers. So it was a day of self portraits with the timer. Here's my first try. Damn, harder than it looks.

Ok, second try. Close, but no cigar

And again, _so_ close. Damn tree.

Does my butt look big in that pic? :( :D

Finally, after wasting a bunch of time, I just decided to take self portraits when I wasn't going anywhere. Here's one warming up mid-ride. Yes, is a public restroom, but when you're cold and wet pretty much any enclosed space will do.

And another. There's a silver lining to flats I guess.

And a couple of random ones from Saturday. Temp was hovering right around the dew point all day, so it was damp and misting.

Today was much nicer. Colder, but bright sunshine behind the front that came through yesterday. The same front dumped on New England this weekend.

First, another self portrait with the timer. You can just see me behind the big tree on the right.

Finally I just flat out gave up, flung the camera on the ground, and rode away. Mission accomplished.

Yep, a lovely day. Time to ride.

Mind the bridge.


Apr 4, 2002
splat said:
So what are you doing ? setting the camera up with a timer or a remote ?
Its the timer mode. Gives me about 10 seconds. Sadly my internal clock thinks 10 seconds is more like 12 seconds. Or 5 seconds. Anything but 10 seconds apparently.

It beeps the countdown, but not loud enough. :(


Apr 4, 2002
GravityFreakTJ said:
The bridge with the missing boards look like..um..err...fun?
When boards are missing from a bridge its the ones that are still there that make me nervous.


Apr 4, 2002
Heidi said:
Nice! I like the eerie lake one..I swear I can see the Loch Nest monster!
Wouldn't that be cool. Maybe he'd eat a bass boat or two. Thin the herd so-to-speak. :D