
a sad story....

Feb 25, 2004
Redmond, Wa, USA
this is biking related.....kinda

Right. so I guess you could begin with melaina. I was attracted to her for 5 months before meeting her best friend. when i started talking to her best friend i soon became attracted to her, as me and mel decided to not go out but to just continue to be bestfriends. so me and her friend (ranielle) grew very close very fast. within a month she knew me better than everyone else and i knew that she is in my life for a reason. ppl call me crazy, but everytime i tell her i love her, i know its true. i feel it.... anyways i could go on forever about how me and her are so perfect for one another, but i guess you hafta know that ive never met ranielle, and she lives in vegas and that we have really only talked on the phone... but a lot. a hella a lot. one time even from 9-6 in the morning........anyways.... so i was over at mels house one day when i told her about my love for biking. and she almost shot me becuz i wouldnt shut up about it. i guess she told ranielle, becuz soon enough ranielle was asking about it yesterday. today while talking to her, i told her that i was going to whistler in a few weeks, when she said her freidn was coming over to see her. turns out she actually booked a plane ticket to come see me the same week. it was supposed to be a huge surprise but she had to tell me, otherwise it would have been awful. the good news is, she is comming on the 16th, and im leaving on the 18th. atyleast its 2 days to spend with her....... but ya. the end

Tacoma Lad

Jul 11, 2004
tacoma wa
Skip the trip Bro wistler and trying to spend time with the girl never works out. I know my girl friend came out after a long trip over seas all I wanted to do was ride wistler she surprised me by coming out. Short and sweat I was on the bike more than on her and she got pissed Just a heads up!!!!


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
DisgruntledCow said:
ya well. thanks to expedia.com, if i dont go, i still hafta pay the full amount of my hotel............so ya.
You are 16yo....

So who is losing money? Parents? They know your friend is coming up?

As a immature 29yo ;) I also have to question all this "love" talk at 16yo. You are sounding from the post a lot like a drama queen. How old is she? You should spend time with her when she comes up and not leave her hanging for the majority of her stay(however long that is) I would look at taking her to Whistler as a positive thing.

If you really like this girl and she is cool...bring her along. Cut back a little on the riding and donate that time to her. If she is really cool about it you have got something....if she gets really mad...then she doesn't have to travel back up to WA again.

If you are willing to just drop and leave her in MillCreek and jet to Whistler you might not be in as much "love" as you think. If you really wanted to spend time with her you would bring her up to Whistler with you and spend the evenings/mornings together. Are you going up with a group? She might not be all excited with staying in a room with 15 other smelling guys....then again (j/k)

This just doesn't add up, unless you are pulling a fast one on us. :nope: :rolleyes: Then shame on you. :D

If you truely have feeling for her than you would bring her along or stay down here and find someone who wanted the room in your place. You have 2+ weeks...you need to do some soul searching and decide who/what is more important.


Jan 31, 2004
i'll go to whistler for you, and you can pay for me to go. haha kiddin. anyways. from mill creek you can get to whistler in 4 houres no problem. i'm in ballard and i know people in the area that have made it up there in 3.5 hours. but i'd say spend 3 days with her, You'd miss the first night up there, then you can bring her up too. but that's just me. i also think that if you really love her. then screw whistler. whistler is only 4 hours away and not that big of a deal to put it off. if you see this girl, this one time might be the only chance in a long time that you'll be able to see her, so i say just deal with not being able to go, pay for the hotel anyways. i know that sucks but if you really love her, then do it. she'll really apriciate it, and you'll both have a great time together. don't miss a great oportunity to spend time with the person you love and care for. trust me.
Feb 25, 2004
Redmond, Wa, USA
ya see, im going to whistler with my sister and my parents...........................

did i forget to mention she staying with her best friend here? im not leaving her hanging. ahhaa and if im a ****ing teenage drama queen then i am lol. i am one to make fun of ppl who say they are in love in high school, and it takes a lot to change someones mind about that. we have such a mature love, that i havent seen before in high school and the ppl who truly know what we love each other see it to...

the problem is parents. they havent met her and i dont think they are gunna be opt to brining a girl they have never met on our family vacation... if i were 2 years older i would, but im 16 and shes 15, and she had enough trouble getting up to washington, i dotn think her parents will let her leave the country with some guy......


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Ahhhhhh...the Montagues and Capulets are at it again. At least their melodramatic entreaties were truly over life & death struggles.

Not trying to have fun at your expense, DC, as I have starred in the role of the fool myself. My one bit of advice- everything seems so much more profound than it really is at your age. Try and relax and take things in stride w/o ascribing too much meaning to them. Overanalysis of your prospective mate's words, looks, sighs and deeds dooms more relationships among the modestly-experienced than any other factor I can think of.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
DisgruntledCow said:
ya see, im going to whistler with my sister and my parents...........................
I like how you left that out. :D
did i forget to mention she staying with her best friend here? im not leaving her hanging.
She has her friend but you are still leaving her hanging. ;)

we have such a mature love, that i havent seen before in high school and the ppl who truly know what we love each other see it to...
*snicker* I want you to print that phrase out and read it in 6 mos. :)

the problem is parents. they havent met her and i dont think they are gunna be opt to brining a girl they have never met on our family vacation... if i were 2 years older i would, but im 16 and shes 15, and she had enough trouble getting up to washington, i dotn think her parents will let her leave the country with some guy......
;) Drama-Q-u-e-e-n. :) j/k...not really....well kinda....no harm meant...jsut saying....romeo, romeo, where for art thou romeo? :rolleyes:

If I was your parents :-)rolleyes: :D) I wouldn't let you stay alone down here if they were all going up to Whistler. If you spend so much time on the phone with her, it might be worth a visit to the parents when she is up so they know who you have been conversing with running up the phone bills.

How much time are you going to be spending with her while she is up here? a 3hr movie and McD's? Ask your mutual friend if she thinks your girl is cool with not getting to spend more time with you....

Hmmmm, I am torn. The soaps are starting up, but I have the next best thing going on here. ;) :D Teenage luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv haha

Good luck man. Hope it works out for you.


PS- though you won't listen (as you said you difficult to tell a young pup any different) I agree with LLKK, you are probably
everything seems so much more profound than it really is
Feb 25, 2004
Redmond, Wa, USA
ahaha i know i know. its just hard o well. i am 16 so i am quite young i dont expect this to be the girl i marry. i dont expect anything. o well. ahaha rihno in 6 months ill pm you and tell you were i am! lol. o well whatever. bottom line is, to bad whistler clahsed with this.


Jul 27, 2004
haha thats just cause ur thinking about ur cruize and lookin for any girl to have a fling with. and u havent even been to whistler, i suppose ive described ever trail ive even been on there to you though. haha.

btw any other monkeys goin to be at whisler from the 13 to the 20th?