This morning was the first time on my bike since our son was born almost six weeks ago. On top of the snow and ice, it just seems that things have been too hectic to ride. The ride was just a simple, short commute. Down the hill, over the bridge, turn left at the light, show my badge at the gate, and ride up behind the office and lock up the bike. Roughly 2 miles, may be 10 minutes tops but the weather was great and the sun was shining. It about 45° outside, just warm enough to need only a t-shirt. After all, last week the highs were only in the 20's. It seems like a tropical heat wave.
Does that put a smile on your face? Well, yes, but, what will really top it off is that this afternoon, I'll turn around and head back home, take the baby from my wife and help her get her bike ready and send her off on her first ride in over 6 months. Now that really puts a smile on my face.
Does that put a smile on your face? Well, yes, but, what will really top it off is that this afternoon, I'll turn around and head back home, take the baby from my wife and help her get her bike ready and send her off on her first ride in over 6 months. Now that really puts a smile on my face.