
A special place in hell...


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
i find it odd that you rail about one unfortunate group of people, and expect us to wallow in their misery with you.
then on the other hand you dis an innocent and disabled victim of a crime.

picking and choosing what section of humanity you feel sorry for is alright. just don't expect everyone to choose the same little slice that you have chosen for yourself.

and most of us who have done for others that are less fortunate, whether they be handicapped or homeless, do it not for the opportunity to wear it on our sleeve, or boast about it on-line with anger, like yourself. but just for the sake of helping.

our small d.h. community here has made generous donations to the local food pantry.
and i've spent countless hours with a nieghbor who was afflicted with m.s. until his final day.
and am now dealing with a family member who's in the advanced stages of parkinsons.

you do what ya gotta do.

may the person who stole her bike rot in hell.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
stinkyboy said:
Clarification on Ailse 1... 05-18-2006 09:54 AM Just for a change - fluff
A special place in hell.... 05-18-2006 09:45 AM No place for that in this thread
A special place in hell.... 05-18-2006 09:38 AM YOU ARE SUCH A DUMBASS
A special place in hell.... 05-18-2006 09:34 AM take it to political

At least fluff signs in.

Care to explain your comments pvssies?
If you want people to sign their negative feedback perhaps you shouldn't just give them some on a tit-4-tat basis? Just a thought..


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
dhbuilder said:
i find it odd that you rail about one unfortunate group of people, and expect us to wallow in their misery with you.
then on the other hand you dis an innocent and disabled victim of a crime.
Where did I ask people to wallow in misery or anything else?

Please show me where I "dissed" this child.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
stinkyboy said:
How could it be "tit for tat" if I only have unsigned feedback?

:clue: :clue: :clue:
Because you gave me negative feedback immediately I gave you signed negative feedback? Hence giving me an incentive not to sign any future negative feedback...


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
stinkyboy said:
Squirt some tears for the child, but apparently she's got a wheelchair, isn't living in a cardboard box, and doesn't go hungry. There's 20 kids within 200 yards of my condo that are homeless, dirty and hungry. Where's the compassion for them? Sure, I feel for the kid, but I'm sure she'll have the money for a new tricycle by the end of the day and a photo op for WalMart or the like. There are much bigger problems.
no you didn't "ask", but you expect us to share your misery. and are dissing those who feel compasion for this girl.
not in so many words, but with your overall message and tone.

but i'm not going to sit here and debate this with a nitpicker. because you're just like half the people here, who sit back and take the time to disect anything anyone has to say and come back with an attack.

bottom line is, the guy who stole the bike will rot in hell.
if you want to start a thread about how sorry you feel for the homeless kids in your neighborhood. then by all means do it.
nobody here doubts that they are in need of compasion too.

i gotta go now. it's time for lunch. i'll toss a bite in the trash in your name.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
i would apologize for invading the forum where your number of posts grant you the right to voice your opinions without opposition. and put you on some kind of superior level above everyone else.(in your own mind.)

but i wont.

this is a fun place to visit from time to time. thankfully i don't live here like you guys do.

later boys.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dhbuilder said:
i would apologize for invading the forum where your number of posts grant you the right to voice your opinions without opposition. and put you on some kind of superior level above everyone else.(in your own mind.)

but i wont.

this is a fun place to visit from time to time. thankfully i don't live here like you guys do.

later boys.
Oh quit being such a nancy boy. :nopity: :nopity: :nopity:

I'm sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities. :D