
A story of true genius! (Four rack genius defined!)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Well, here is a story I procrastinated writing because I got SO busy. However, this is a story of true genius, ingenuity and creative thinking.

So, our story begins with a really good friend asking me to drag up my 4x6 trailer to Snowshoe for bringing items back from their condo. Of course the answer was quite simple; YES. The idea was to put a 4 bike Thule bike rack in the back of my pickup and place the bikes in the trailer; doable, but what a pain.

So, Dartman and I proceeded to get the 4 bike rack, put together for transport in the back of the pick up. Once we had added the 2 rack attachment to complete the assembly of the 4 bike Thule, we carried to the curb by the truck. Now, it is at this point, I want to inform everyone, that the expression, “the light bulb went off”, is not figurative, but an actual description of seeing said light bulb appear over someone’s head with a brilliant idea. :lighten:

In this instance, Dartman took a look at the assembled rack, and sized up the trailer, and looked at me and said, “Hey Ralph, I have an idea.” Once I saw the look, and at the objects Dartman was sizing up, I began to laugh; one because I thought the idea was absurd, but more so the damn idea would actually work.

The idea was to place the bike rack in the trailer, thus allowing us to place all 4 of our bikes in it, and strap, bikes attached to the rack down to the trailer. So we proceeded to attempt this genius idea and put it into action. The bike rack placement was quite tight, but we were able to get the rack into the trailer. The next step, while we revealed in Dartman’s apparent genius idea, was not yet fully realized, or achieved. We still had to place 4 bikes into the rack. As a side note, I would like to point out there were two more bikes that had to be placed into the back of the pick up.

So we began with the first bike; it just fit. However the bikes sit somewhat offset in the rack. So next bike had to be adjusted accordingly, however, it fit. Thereafter the third, and then the fourth and final bike was placed into the rack. It fit as if it had been designed and engineered for it.

So, a new phrase has been developed from this genius exercise. “Wow, that was four rack genius!” or conversely, “OK, it was genius, but NOT 4 rack genius”.

So, to prove the genius did in fact occur, here is the quintessential example of, “Four rack genius”.

Lady's and gentlemen, "Wile E. Dartman, SU-per genius! I like the way it rolls of the tip of the tongue..." :clapping:

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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I've talked it over with myself, and we agree, you've got too much time on your hands.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Not really, I had to wait for one computer ti TIFF 800 multi page documents and watch it so it does not crap out. I had to wait on another computer to load a load file into Summation to get it ready for review.

I have job of hurry up and wait.... ;)


Of course the aforementioned incedent occurred on a vacation day. :D