My Interview With Rebecca
The Indepundit | 21 Mar 04 | Citizen Smash
IT TOOK A FEW MINUTES to calm myself. I rejected my first instinct, which was to storm over to the International Socialist Organization booth and denounce them all as murderous traitors.
Instead, I took several deep breaths while I gathered myself together, trying to ignore the skinny kid on the stage who was explaining how factory farms increase our dependence on foreign oil. Once I was certain that my face was no longer red, and my temper was under control, I made my way slowly over to Rebeccas booth.
Hi, I said, forcing myself to smile, are you Rebecca?
Yes, she replied, smiling back. What can I do for you? She wasnt a conventionally attractive woman, being a little plump, with long, stringy hair. But she still had the glow of youth working in her favor, and piercing blue eyes.
Even so, it took all of my reserve to keep myself from cursing her out on the spot.......
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The Indepundit | 21 Mar 04 | Citizen Smash
IT TOOK A FEW MINUTES to calm myself. I rejected my first instinct, which was to storm over to the International Socialist Organization booth and denounce them all as murderous traitors.
Instead, I took several deep breaths while I gathered myself together, trying to ignore the skinny kid on the stage who was explaining how factory farms increase our dependence on foreign oil. Once I was certain that my face was no longer red, and my temper was under control, I made my way slowly over to Rebeccas booth.
Hi, I said, forcing myself to smile, are you Rebecca?
Yes, she replied, smiling back. What can I do for you? She wasnt a conventionally attractive woman, being a little plump, with long, stringy hair. But she still had the glow of youth working in her favor, and piercing blue eyes.
Even so, it took all of my reserve to keep myself from cursing her out on the spot.......
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