
A tale of 2 rivers


Nam I am
It was such a lovely day today SloMoJo that we dicided a Bike ride was in order ,

today destination:Plumbers Crack ( Plumbers landing really ) On the blackstone Canal

so We got out there and it was fantastic !

Here is SloMoJo riding a skinnyshortly after we got on the ribbon candy trail. and the Price for failure was sone really stinky mud

Next SloMoJo crossing the Canal at the Goat Hill Lock .

and as far as Pictures go this is the last one , A picture of Me with the blackstone river in the background and the Canal Dumping was ter back into the river , I think SloMoJo was hopping I'd fall in here. But I didn't

well It is tought to take pictures when there are only 2 of us so not many got taken plus I would soon discover my GPS batteries were dead so I took the ones from the camera nad put them in the GPS.

But any waywe would cross the river here and go over to Heratage park , and the goal was to ride to the top of wolf hill ( suppose to be a Nice view ) , but we never found it , instead we found trails that were going every which way , we crossed a couple of streets , and soon we found our selfs at the wests Hill dam, so We continued on. At this point I thought I had a Falt becasue the back end of my Bike was becoming very loose. but we continued on and soon discovered the West river.

we followed that trail for a while and we were cruising along and the backend of my bike was getting worse , when I discovered , the rear wheel's Spokes had become un-tensioned. Dam Machine Built wheel! well I tried to go on but it was just too bad , so we got to a clearing , I got out a spoke wrench and went to work! I tensioned and trued it in about 15 minutes , wasn't a great job but it was very ridable. well we just kept going on trying turn after turn , till we found our self in a very large sand pit . we followed that out to a street and thetime was getting late, and we really weren't sure where we were. so we decided to takethe road Back , of course we went the wrong way! buit that dumped us out on to a another road , which I knew and we chuged our way back , but as we were going down that road we saw lots of trails that need to be explored ( including one that proably would have brought us back a lot faster than the road , but o well another time. I am just thilled more new trail to explore.

so the 2 rivers today , were the Balckstone and the West.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Wolf Hill is on the other side of the river. Once you get to the Tri River med Center, turn left or East and follow the paved road - Hartford Ave, across the bridge, and you will see a kiosk and small parking area on your left on the other side. One of these weeks we should do the Thursday night ride there. Did you go across 122 at all? :confused:


Nam I am
berkshire_rider said:
Wolf Hill is on the other side of the river. Once you get to the Tri River med Center, turn left or East and follow the paved road - Hartford Ave, across the bridge, and you will see a kiosk and small parking area on your left on the other side. One of these weeks we should do the Thursday night ride there. Did you go across 122 at all? :confused:
Oh we did that ! at tri Triver we actually went all the way down the tow path to see if there were any trails off of there , The picture of me was taken by tri river. then we crossed over and managed to ride around wolf hill. then crossed west hill road ,continued on crossed Mendon Road/Northbridge st. and we worked our way over to Mendon street in Upton, then we hauled back on the road.