
A trip south of the border


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
A few weeks ago I had mentioned to my co-worker I had yet to go to Mexico and was interested in crossing the border sometime, but not to do the touristy thing; that I was more interested in attending something that had cultural signifigance. The next thing I know I'm being whisked across the border to attend a bullfight. I had already been forewarned by a few people about what was going to happen so I came mentally prepared for the event, as I am an animal lover. Just wanted to share some of the pictures from my trip, but will spare you from the more graphic photos.

Big statue in the middle of the road

The bullfight we attended was part of a three day festival

Standing outside the Toreo de Tijuana

When you purchase tickets you can purchase them for either the "Sol" (sun) side or "Sombra" (shade) side. Tickets for the "Sol" side are cheaper, but we wanted to sit in the shade so we purchased tickets in the "Sombra" section. I forgot to take a picture of the "Sombra" entrance, but it is similar to the "Sol" side

I just liked that the mens bathroom said hombres

A corrida (bullfight) starts with the paseillo, when everybody involved in the bullfight enters the ring and presents themselves to the president and public.

Alguacilillos on horseback look up to the president's box and symbolically ask for the keys to the puerta de los toriles. Behind that door the bulls are waiting.

The bullfight consists of three parts, called tercios ("thirds"). In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote, a rather large cape that is a pinkish-mauve colour on one side and yellow on the other.

The "rosette" on the bull indicates which ranch has bred the bull involved in the fight

The second tercio is la suerte de banderillas. Three banderilleros must stick a pair of banderillas (barbed stick) into the charging bull's back.

In the final suerte suprema the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick. He has to show his mastery to dominate the bull, and to establish an artistic symbiosis between man and beast. The corrida ends with the torero using his sword to kill the bull. I will spare you from a visual of the death of the bull, here is part of the final tercio.

*Mods or anyone else*- If this post is offensive I will gladly remove it at your request


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
My gracious host and I getting ready to head out for some Mexican food (from which I am still recovering)

"Salida" or exit this way

He didn't look so happy

mmmmmm....lots of candy

Tijuana has very shiny police cruisers

......and lots of buildings

Time for food!!!!!

For about $70USD you can have a bottle of liquid with a snake in it

We got seated in a private room where we were able to watch the Vargas vs. Mosley Pay-per-view event

And the yummy food that has not been to kind to my digestive system the past two days :rofl:

The trip was worth the experience, though I would probably not attend a bullfight again, I at least got an understanding of the historical signifigance of the event and a great tour south of the border from my hosts. :)


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
narlus said:
sweet photos! left the rebXT at home?

i've never been to mexico...gotta change that.

You should go sometime, it was a fun experience and they have food everywhere you look.

I was lucky to benefit from a local tour guide. I left the rebXT at home figuring it would be much easier to replace a $200 camera, should someone decide they really really wanted it :p


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Excellent pics and a decently repectable job of explaining bullfighting even though you don't agree with it. For a fascinating look into the history and significance of the sport(or spectacle, if you wish), check out Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon. I read it on a nonstop to Frankfurt a few years back and absolutely couldn't put it down.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
LOOnatic said:
Real men ride bulls and don't kill 'em.
I disagree. Riding a bull for up to 7 seconds- wearing a CCM helmet and a flak jacket(these days)- is WAY less dangerous and brave than bullfighting in a lycra-n-rhinestone traje de luces. It takes a supreme sacka stones to place banderillas and an estocada properly as you not only have to drop your guard completely, but do so with style.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
llkoolkeg said:
I disagree. Riding a bull for up to 7 seconds- wearing a CCM helmet and a flak jacket(these days)- is WAY less dangerous and brave than bullfighting in a lycra-n-rhinestone traje de luces. It takes a supreme sacka stones to place banderillas and an estocada properly as you not only have to drop your guard completely, but do so with style.
I have to agree with you on this, because I know I could never get the nerve to do what these guys were doing. The style and grace with which they moved was absolutely mesmerizing.

*warning graphic pictures below*



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Brian HCM#1 said:
Drink the beer from bottle or can only, especially in Tijuana. I won't eat ANY food when I'm there unless pre packaged and I know where it was from.
Excellent TJ advice. After drinking down there one night I let my guard down and had a taco... :dead:
Shyrmp said:
I have to agree with you on this, because I know I could never get the nerve to do what these guys were doing. The style and grace with which they moved was absolutely mesmerizing.
And all while wearing pink stockings and ballet slippers! :p


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
i am about as far to the right as one can get politically so im not you're typical peta, vegan, tree hugger but bull fighting is bull $hit!!!
the only way the pics could be better would be if the bull gored the fvck out of the fighter
big big thumbs down:nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
ridetoofast said:
i am about as far to the right as one can get politically so im not you're typical peta, vegan, tree hugger but bull fighting is bull $hit!!!
the only way the pics could be better would be if the bull gored the fvck out of the fighter
big big thumbs down:nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope:
i agree to a certain extent but in some countries, things like this have been going on for an eternity... not that that makes it right... tradition and all that stuff that people / ethnic races hold close to their heart... again, it still doesn t make it right.. i also love seeing the matador get worked by the bull... flipped and gouged and the like... but, at what price do we abandon all activities that people have been doing for 100s and 100s of years ???

i guess what i mt trying to explain is ??? culture ??
Oct 8, 2005
partsbara said:
i agree to a certain extent but in some countries, things like this have been going on for an eternity... not that that makes it right... tradition and all that stuff that people / ethnic races hold close to their heart... again, it still doesn t make it right.. i also love seeing the matador get worked by the bull... flipped and gouged and the like... but, at what price do we abandon all activities that people have been doing for 100s and 100s of years ???

i guess what i mt trying to explain is ??? culture ??
Totally agree, i think only old guys (40 years old and up), see bull fight as a real tradition, but most of the younger mexicans look bull fights, first as a bussiness
2nd I don't know how to explain it but its like something they do just because someone told them to do, not because they really care about it, I don't know whats the meaning of it (bull fights) but i've never been in one, On the other side I feel proud of it, just because how foreigners look at it and because it look "elegant".

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Very cool pics. The stands look kind of empty though. I'd expect to see more spectators. I'd go see a bullfight, but there is no way in hell I'd get the wife to go.
llkoolkeg said:
I disagree. Riding a bull for up to 7 seconds- wearing a CCM helmet and a flak jacket(these days)- is WAY less dangerous and brave than bullfighting in a lycra-n-rhinestone traje de luces. It takes a supreme sacka stones to place banderillas and an estocada properly as you not only have to drop your guard completely, but do so with style.
Then you haven't seen the uber hucktastic LOOnatic ride bulls then.
In total street clothes with lots of uh.......flair.

I know its "their" culture and all but IMO the bulls are supremely powerful beats that warrant a better fate then to be stabbed to death.
When you have ridden them you will be awestruck by their physical prowess.
Think about riding a 2000 lbs. pitbull with no gear on.
Its a rush.
Makes DH kinda tame in comparison.

The other reason i think it's better is that in a traditional bullfight the fighter has a bunch of tricks he uses like the cape and prancing around. Sure its fun to watch in an antagonizing way by whatever.

A bullrider has no tricks and makes close contact with the brama for the duration.
Lemme say this, sure it takes bravado to stand in the ring with a bull runnung at ya but to ease down in the pen and straddle one before the ride is shear heart stopping.
The only thing you got is you, the bull and a piece of rope in your hand.
And then the gate opens and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:agree:


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
LOOnatic said:
I know its "their" culture and all but IMO the bulls are supremely powerful beats that warrant a better fate then to be stabbed to death.
Shocked unconscious then throat slit and chopped up into yummy bits like ribeyes and ground round?

Dude, riding bulls is insane. Much props.

Shrymp, excellent pictures. I visited a Mexican border town once. I think it was called Peligroso or something like that. I was depressed by the time we left.

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
yeah, I don't think I'm down with this anymore then putting down an injured horse or greyhound...


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
I Are Baboon said:
Very cool pics. The stands look kind of empty though. I'd expect to see more spectators. I'd go see a bullfight, but there is no way in hell I'd get the wife to go.
The stands were empty on that side because it was the sunny side and it was a very hot day, most people opted for tickets in the shade, as our side was packed.

Laura, they kill six bulls during the duration of the fight. All of them are then used for meat.

I went to the bullfight to experience something that is out of the norm for me not to determine the "correctness" of someone else's traditions. As mentioned in the first post I would probably not go again, but in my opinion it was well worth the experience.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Shyrmp said:
The stands were empty on that side because it was the sunny side and it was a very hot day, most people opted for tickets in the shade, as our side was packed.

Laura, they kill six bulls during the duration of the fight. All of them are then used for meat.

I went to the bullfight to experience something that is out of the norm for me not to determine the "correctness" of someone else's traditions. As mentioned in the first post I would probably not go again, but in my opinion it was well worth the experience.
You didn't answer my question... :nope:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
LOOnatic said:
I know its "their" culture and all but IMO the bulls are supremely powerful beats that warrant a better fate then to be stabbed to death.
When you have ridden them you will be awestruck by their physical prowess.
Think about riding a 2000 lbs. pitbull with no gear on.
Its a rush.
Makes DH kinda tame in comparison.

The other reason i think it's better is that in a traditional bullfight the fighter has a bunch of tricks he uses like the cape and prancing around. Sure its fun to watch in an antagonizing way by whatever.

A bullrider has no tricks and makes close contact with the brama for the duration.
Lemme say this, sure it takes bravado to stand in the ring with a bull runnung at ya but to ease down in the pen and straddle one before the ride is shear heart stopping.
The only thing you got is you, the bull and a piece of rope in your hand.
And then the gate opens and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:agree:
I have much respect for both bullfighters and bullriders. Ever since I worked a fraternity fundraiser cleaning up after a rodeo(the trash, not the $hit), I have had even MORE respect for them. One of the bulls had to be kept far away from the others and it was penned up next to a huge industrial dumpster, so I had to walk right by the thing probably 50 times that night. They are HUGE and they are MUSCULAR to the point that they look like they are on 'roids(which they MAY be unwittingly) and they have MAJOR ATTITUDE. It is hard to believe that Spanish fighting bulls are even considerably more so than rodeo bulls.

Spanish fighting bulls are the cream of the bovine crop, bred for strength, size, attitude and "bravery". They are revered by the Spanish, who see them as exemplifying all that is good and noble in themselves. It is hard to explain in eurocentric terms that might make sense here, but it is their great LOVE of the bulls which drives the Spanish to kill them in that fashion. They see the only fitting death for a creature SO beautiful is a brave, honorable one...much like a warrior who would rather die on the battlefield a hero than of old age in his bed. The entire animal is used and not wasted and the bullfight is to the Spanish akin to an American Indian praying to the great spirit for the soul of an animal he has killed.

Bullfighting should not be lumped in with other diversions prevalent in the Spanish community that are considered animal cruelty, e.g. cockfighting, because it is not gratuitous cruelty for pruriant enjoyment. It is killing a fully-utilized animal resource in the way believed to be best for those particular animals. I know this may not make sense topically, but a Spaniard might argue that our(US) method of killing bovines caged in a tiny pen within a slaughterhouse with a sledgehammer is MORE cruel than growing them lovingly in comparative comfort and putting them in a ring with their prospective executioner to meet their end bravely and on their feet.

Now, regarding some of your specific protests:

1) They are not simply stabbed to death; they are weakened with banderillas placed in the bull's trapezius/shoulder muscles in order to cause them to lower their horns and expose their hearts...which are then pierced with the single thrust of a sword.
2) Bullfighters use a muleta(and body position, banderillas, etc.) to control a bull- not trick it, per se. I would suggest that a bullrider's rope and spurs provide even more of an advantage for the human than a muleta does.
3) Bullfighters come in physical contact with the bulls, also, but instead of sitting on them, they cause the animal to charge and wind around their bodies with the muleta so closely that often the toreador's shirt and pants are smeared with the blood of the bull as it passes. If a toreador can cause a bull to pierce and tear with its horns any part of the traje de luces- without flinching a hair- it is considered by the spectators an even greater display of control.

Please don't think I try to diminish bullriders at all with the comparison, but bullriding even a creature like Bodacious for 7 seconds in gear is just not close in danger to bullfighting a Spanish fighting bull for 15 minutes in spandex...and doing so with elegance and without flinching or showing even the smallest amount of fear. I would rather take my chances riding 10 bulls than fighting one.