
a visit to Grayville CT


Nam I am
Well Jozz and Karine are down from the great White North to visit us. and Today they went down to Grayville , CT to ride with IAB, MBC myself, tonyhawk, MMcG and a few others . MMcG got usa guide so we wouldn't get oo lost . However MMcG promply Bailed. any way , King Arthur ( bikerag.com ) would be our excelent guide , with a bunch of other too.

Fun Ride.

lets start with a Tree ride

IAB's turn

IAB crossing a Bridge .

MBC I Don't need no stinkin bridge to cross that rinky Dink stream

A Drop

MBC on a little rocky Roll

Karine's Turn

IAB on a Skinny

Tonyhawk on a rolling spine

Now thtas a wheelie drop

Jozz same drop

Jozz on a Small ladder

Jozz on a tree

IAB on same tree

Now this tree would Pose some problems

IAB Crashing

I think this is my stop

Crrr as h

excuse me , butthat front wheel is no longer on the tree.

Fall down

Go Boom

Ok enough playing there we start to go , and discover my fron tire is flat , So I change it no big deal

MBC riding along

Karine with IAB behind her

King arthur up a skinny ( harder than it looks )

Jozz on a ridge

Tony Hawk on a spine

King arthur Dropping

Followed by IAB, Jozz and TonyHawk

Now I would havethe next Mechenical problem and this one was a bit more serious . I broke my Shock Bolt. I was noticing my Rear end felt very loose and and when I stopped the bolt was half way oput , tried to put it back in and it could thread to nothing , pulled it out and it was broken, so we put it back in and Held it in place with Duct tape. Yeah it was loose butthe bike was rideable , However I rode very Gingerly the rest of the way , Walked on some fun stuff I wanted to ride , but didn't want to Push my luck.

Duct Tape it can fix anything!!!

a Small ramp launch to flat , fun for everyone.

Going along we would run into a Few more Bike Rag riders , Rukemaster , Joe dirt , etc ,etc at this nice table top

I wanted to do this ! i just didn't trust my rear suspention!!

King arthur shows How to do an up and over

IAB not looking good

Hello Dirt !!

Another tree ride , this however had a small drop off on to a Lower branch , was really quite cool to see executed.

a Final tree ride

and Pukemaster goes off the end

and Finally , IAB takes a walk of shame while MBC ride the little skinny!!



Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
So it was a good tour yes? Jozz and Karine enjoyed the ride?

And splat if you call watching my son pitch three scoreless innings in an all star game bailing, well I'll take that type of bailing any day of the week over any type of bike ride.

Have fun in Nam today.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
So it was a good tour yes? Jozz and Karine enjoyed the ride?

And splat if you call watching my son pitch three scoreless innings in an all star game bailing, well I'll take that type of bailing any day of the week over any type of bike ride.

Have fun in Nam today.
Sorry you could not be there Mark, but hey, we will be back!