
A visitor stopped by......


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I'm painting the inside doors this past Wednesday, and the bell rings. Dogs go crazy, and when I open the door, it's Jill/mom of Alaina's preschool best friend, Terra. Terra wanted Jill to verify my address so a graduation announcement could be sent to us. We spoke for a bit, and Jill left, knowing how appreciative it was/is to me.

That short story being said, I'm humbled and confused. Graduation is one of 2 remaining days I'm worried about experiencing (Aug. 14/18th bday being the other), yet I would like to go to the ceremony, and maybe release some balloons at the end. I've already spoken with the principal (coached stepson's 7th grade basketball team), and he's fine with me being there. Also spoke with him about the new bricks they will be placing in the new HS commons area, but that's a different posting.

Should I receive the announcement, I'm also wondering if it would be best to visit with Terra away from the ceremony so as not to make it about the ones that didn't graduate.

I am honored that someone outside of family/work/RM still thinks of Alaina, and wants me to be a part of her day.

Maybe a dog walking or ride will help clear my thoughts up..........


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
have you talked to terra over the years?

this could be very heavy in her heart and as she has grown and matured it may be important to her that your there, maybe she wants it about Alaina

I have not walked in your shoes, but im sure you have already walked some of the hardest miles of your life and your still here doing well, im sure you can do this


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
this could be very heavy in her heart and as she has grown and matured it may be important to her that your there, maybe she wants it about Alaina

It's worth pointing out as well, that a (presumably) 17-18 year old girl cared/still thought enough about Alaina and/or you to have her mom physically track you down. IMO that's kind of a big deal.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Graduation update--

Well, I sally'd out and did not go. Though I did drive the high school, it was so crowded (not an excuse) and emotions started to hit. I did not want it to be about me and those that did not graduate. It IS about the students there and graduating.

As for Terra/friend, I did send a gift, and in a separate envelope, sent an offer for her to visit Rocky Point, Mexico (where my folks have their beach house), should she want to. I explained it is difficult to know how their friendship would be, yet I feel they would have made a trip or two there by now.

Aaannnndddddd.......... when I visited Alaina this morning, Terra left some flowers.

I have to work now, and don't want to start the day crying........


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Your loss always makes me sad but hearing that some humans are really decent people makes me feel better.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Update #2--

As I'm leaving this morning, I noticed a note that must've been taped to our door, the tape gave out, so it was in the corner of our entry patio. It was from Jill/Terra's mom, saying they stopped by, and left their number to call. So after my Carson City ride, I gave Jill a call, and found out.........

Terra had fought to have Alaina's name printed in the graduation handout, along with another boy that passed 2 months ago. Apparently, they even had everyone stand for a moment of silence for those that could not be at graduation for obvious reasons. I then told Jill about the separate letter I sent to Terra, letting her know she's welcome at my parents'/brother's places in Mexico.

Only I can call myself a fucktard for not attending, though yes, how was I to know this was going to happen??????


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
was the graduation filmed?

now you know there was a moment of silence in memory of Alaina and how important she is to terra

Just checked youtube (didn't think of it being filmed), and nothing yet. Then again, it was just this past Thursday, so it may be uploaded later?? Thanks for the thought that it would have been filmed......