
aaaaaw CRAP

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
had an injury 10 days ago, broke ankle, thought i was going to be able to walk on in in about 2 weeks but just got back from the ortho and now i have to be in a cast for 4 weeks. AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Megan Black said:
had an injury 10 days ago, broke ankle, thought i was going to be able to walk on in in about 2 weeks but just got back from the ortho and now i have to be in a cast for 4 weeks. AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!
4 weeks is cake for a broken bone. Don't sweat it, use it as an excuse to order people around.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
H8R said:
4 weeks is cake for a broken bone. Don't sweat it, use it as an excuse to order people around.

I was on crutches for a while due to a broken foot recently. People will do/get just about anything you ask them to. :)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
sorry to hear bout your setback. Better to have patience and get it healed right the first time. Healin vibes for ya! :dancing:

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
.:Jeenyus:. said:

I was on crutches for a while due to a broken foot recently. People will do/get just about anything you ask them to. :)
yeah, i'm really impressed with how nice some people are. last night, my friend was giving me a piggy-back ride through downtown seattle and this guy offered to carry the crutches that he was carrying for me!

it almost makes up for the looks of pity i'm getting :D

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
H8R said:
4 weeks is cake for a broken bone. Don't sweat it, use it as an excuse to order people around.
yeah, 4 weeks doesn't seem like much, but i'm impatient as hell and even more stubborn....i have a hard time asking for help. maybe this will teach me how to do that!

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
johnbryanpeters said:
Heal quick, dawg!
thanks, j-rock!

Skookum said:
sorry to hear bout your setback. Better to have patience and get it healed right the first time. Healin vibes for ya!
thank you, and you're right. how long were you out w/ your broken leg? man i'm so glad you got those motorized chairs for our date!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Megan Black said:
thank you, and you're right. how long were you out w/ your broken leg? man i'm so glad you got those motorized chairs for our date!
well the first month was a blur from all the pain meds!!!! :drool: in fact i've seen stuff on here i typed and don't remember typing it, haha.

anyways me and Cirian broke our legs round the same time and he was quicker at healing than me, so it's never an exact science. But also during that time Chad Brown a linebacker from the Seahawks broke his leg too so i used that dude to meet a goal of getting back to work and stuff. i did wind up going back to work after 11 weeks, and i was pedaling around on the mt. bike but being real fu-fu weeks before. And i did beat Chad Brown by the time his first game back rolled around woo hoo! :p
So it really depends on listening to the doc, lettin him/her give you an idea of what's goin on with your bones and stuff, then working hard to come back within by pushing yourself, but not so much you suffer setbacks.
Physical therapy helped out as well as having an exercise regimen of walking around and riding my road bike then over to mt. bike as i went along. Then i went back to work a little early and rode some trails that were pushing it, but i always tried to take it easy on stuff when my leg would complain too much. Your body will talk to you, it's just a matter of listening. :)
Lemme know when you want to go for a walk around Green Lake or somethin, my apartment is stinking from all this bacon grease i've been saving up.


Nam I am
Heal up !!

! ankle are no fun to hurt. I messed up my Ankle 15 years ago . It didn't break and they said I would have been better off if it did. I was on crutches for 3 Months , and PT 5 days a week for those 3 Mo. and 3 days a week for 3 mo after that. I would say it was about 5 years till it was 100% healed. I really learned to hate crutches and hop on 1 foot for long distances.

BTW how did you break it ?

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
hahah, pain meds rock! what exactly did you break? cause i broke my ankle and it was the tibia, but right at the end, you know how at the end of a bone, it bulges out, it broke at an angle right on that nubbin. weird break. but my point is that i didn't hurt. well, it stung for a few right when it happened but it just felt like i jammed my foot hard. peeps keep asking me how it feels and i'm like, 'well, i don't FEEL anything. if i try to walk on it, it hurts like a mug, well, basically i can't walk on it at all, but other than that..nuthing' what was hurting when you broke yours?

dude 11 weeks is kor. i could NOT handle that. it's good to hear stories of how much worse it could have been cause i easily get into thinking that my life is in the toilet because of this and i will be a cripple for life :p


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Megan Black said:
hahah, pain meds rock! what exactly did you break? cause i broke my ankle and it was the tibia, but right at the end, you know how at the end of a bone, it bulges out,
Tib and fib it was a torque break and i had hardware put in. And mine hurt for a long time, i couldn't get any good sleep for over a month. boo hoo for me haha.
here's the x-ray thread....

Megan Black said:
basically i can't walk on it at all, but other than that..nuthing' what was hurting when you broke yours?
mine hurt quite a bit, but i rode off of Mt. Hood, did the Mt. Hood hospital thing, told em i wanted to get operated in Seattle, rode the 3 hrs. with Kevin and Amy, then settled down for a sandwich when they finally got me in a hospital bed. so i just went into my zen nirvana mode for 12 hrs and i was cool, but after about an hour of sleep the pain all of a sudden hit me hard and the nurses saved me with morphine. i felt like Giovanni Ribissi (the medic) on Saving Private Ryan when he get's all shot up and dies muttering for his mama. :nopity:
Anyways yah it hurt bad for quite a while....

Megan Black said:
dude 11 weeks is kor. i could NOT handle that. it's good to hear stories of how much worse it could have been cause i easily get into thinking that my life is in the toilet because of this and i will be a cripple for life :p
Yah well you also gotta consider i'm in construction too, it's not like i have an office job.... i gotta pull my wieght so to speak so 11 weeks i was able to be on my feet all day and do assorted labor, it wasn't easy but i was able to do it.

it's almost been 6 months and i still baby it to some degree and it has aches and pains but for the most part that whole deal is just like a bad dream now.
patience young jedi.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Megan Black said:
hahah, pain meds rock! what exactly did you break? cause i broke my ankle and it was the tibia, but right at the end, you know how at the end of a bone, it bulges out, it broke at an angle right on that nubbin. weird break. but my point is that i didn't hurt. well, it stung for a few right when it happened but it just felt like i jammed my foot hard. peeps keep asking me how it feels and i'm like, 'well, i don't FEEL anything. if i try to walk on it, it hurts like a mug, well, basically i can't walk on it at all, but other than that..nuthing' what was hurting when you broke yours?
Listen to what Skookum said, he knows that which he speaks of. I broke both of the bones in my lower leg in three places. The biggest was a spiral break on the big bone. It seperated by an inch or two. The docs could not believe that I did that much damage without tissue damage. I now have two plates and 12 screwes on my leg. If I recall, Skookum has a rod inside his leg. It may be a contributing factor as to why mine healed faster. I am a fast healer anyway though... the physical therapist said I was months ahead of where I should have been, but I stretched and strenghtened it as much as I could, everyday.

When I broke mine I screamed like a little girl, it hurt so bad. Ok, well, actually I cursed like a sailor too, but only after screaming like a little girlie. :) The first week was a blur for me as well due to the pain meds, but I made an effort to get off of them as soon as possible as I am not a big fan of medication in general. It takes a while for vicodin to leave your system.

You can see pix of my X-rays with the hardware here... http://www.blackrune.com/ciaran/index.html

Make sure you do what your doc says, and let it heal. After that stretch it and strengthen it like mad. You'll be as good as new and back riding in the F me boots in no time! :thumb:

P.S. I was back on the bike in 3 months. Broke on August 1st while downhilling at Big Bear (RIP), and I was back on the Yeti downhilling Mt. Wilson on Thanksgiving day. I was able to do road rides and light XC by Nov. 1st.


Jul 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
4 weeks isn't too bad...

i broke the growth plate on my elbow last summer, and i had 12 + weeks in a cast (not counting before surgery and the few rides i went on before i finally decided to go to the doctor, so probably closer to 13-14 weeks)and they had to screw my arm back together. i still can't straighten my arm the last 15 or 20 degrees.

the worst part was the kept moving the date back by a week or two every time i came back in. so everytime that i though that i'd be able to ride again.....it'd be another few weeks. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
injuries are fun...
like skook said, definitely let it heal right the first time. first time i broke my collarbone, i had a nasty break. it snapped in half and the two sides were about a 1/2" apart. tore my AC too (the tendon that holds your collarbone to your shoulderblade). i pretty much told the doc to shove it and started riding again after 3 weeks. big mistake. that was 5 or 6 years ago, and my shoulder is totally bum now. i've broken the same collarbone twice since and separated it 4 times. pretty much any time i fall on my left side my shoulder explodes in some way or another. i hate to think how useless it's gonna be when i get older.
so yeah, let it heal up proper. hope you heal fast!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003


well both forearm bones broken, 1 wrist bone, compound/with massive dislocation. 3 days total i nthe hospital. 3 casts, 2 splints, 10 weeks pt, 3.5 months in casts, 38 staples, 12 stitches, 2 smooth pins, 2 threaded pins, 4 bolts, 1 ,etal plate, synthetic bone graft reconstruction, sutured tendons, 16 x-rays, 26,000.00 dollars. I am crippled for life to a point where i could file for disability and never work again.

however megan, any time in a cast sucks, i think we all know this especially given our passions that we all pursue. But there is much to be learned from it in my opinion. It sucks that your prognosis was not the but let the doctor call the shots and everything will turn out ok.

In the mean time, ya need me to fly up there and sponge bathe you?


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Ruptured Achilles tendon = surgery, 4 different casts, and crutches for 4 months :angry:

Luckily it is all a distant memory now


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
Ruptured Achilles tendon = surgery, 4 different casts, and crutches for 4 months :angry:

Luckily it is all a distant memory now
whoa are surfing freeridesouth.com in the background?


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
Sperated Shoulder, also shattered the front of the cup in the shoulder that holds the good ole arm in, cracked the scapula in 3 places. fun!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
whoa is that road rash on your arm? Dear god i hope not cause that would be some burnin stuff going on there.
ouch every body! Stop crashing! BIGGINS, did you just recently do your arm? Megan, are you as hot as Biggins says? DHS ... dude, that is going to be a fun scab to pull wouch. Don'tcha just love it when you shower! ... and the ends of the scab curl up and get caught on stuff!

Luck everyone!


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
naw that happened a couple years back, but now my right shoulder has an easy time of dis-locating....
Sorry MEGAN!


Apr 4, 2003
tore my achilles 2/5/04, don't even have a cool story to go with it, i was just running up the stairs. surgery and 4 mos in a cast and on crutches. here it is nearly a year later, and barely getting close to normal. 6 mos off the bike last year sucked hardcore, and all told i only got to skip 3 days of work. f'n desk job!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
BarbaRosa said:
ouch every body! Stop crashing! BIGGINS, did you just recently do your arm? Megan, are you as hot as Biggins says? DHS ... dude, that is going to be a fun scab to pull wouch. Don'tcha just love it when you shower! ... and the ends of the scab curl up and get caught on stuff!

Luck everyone!
the return of redbeard!!!!!!!!!!!!please refer to the avatar for the status of megan black.

i did that to my arm may 7th of '04.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
thanks for the healin' vibes everyone! i'm really just a whiney baby now that I read about other'ssss' injuries so keep 'em coming...WITH the grody pics, they're like a train wreck, i LOVE IT!

mtb_rob_fl, how on EARTH did you do crutches for 4 mos.? i've just been on them for 2 weeks and i'm getting fat sore spots on my ribs/under my arms. did you grow like a big ol' callous er what! that pic looks just like me now, xcept i chose bright pink!

and dhg, i don't care what it takes, i'm coming down to tahoe to board this year so don't think you can get off that easy and DON'T think i've forgotten about the one-piece faux fur snowsuit i'll be rockin....you better be shopping fo yos!

yes please to sponge baths!

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
oly said:
Hey, that really sucks. How did you break it? (i didnt have time to read every post).

Healing vibes to ya.
biggins is right but the story i'm telling everyone is that it was at the PI bmx race on a pratice run, got tangled up in a berm, and when my bike tipped over, i set my foot down and broke the tibia :(

biggins said:
she slipped in the tub shaving her back.......
ya know, i slipped halfway through the job, maybe when you give me a sponge bath, you could finish it up for me?

dh girlie

Megan Black said:
thanks for the healin' vibes everyone! i'm really just a whiney baby now that I read about other'ssss' injuries so keep 'em coming...WITH the grody pics, they're like a train wreck, i LOVE IT!

mtb_rob_fl, how on EARTH did you do crutches for 4 mos.? i've just been on them for 2 weeks and i'm getting fat sore spots on my ribs/under my arms. did you grow like a big ol' callous er what! that pic looks just like me now, xcept i chose bright pink!

and dhg, i don't care what it takes, i'm coming down to tahoe to board this year so don't think you can get off that easy and DON'T think i've forgotten about the one-piece faux fur snowsuit i'll be rockin....you better be shopping fo yos!

yes please to sponge baths!
Oh hell no, sistah! I yain't lookin to git outta NUTHIN! I just bought my Aspen suit with the faux fur trim...it's a shiny bronze colored suit and the belt sits RIGHT at my natural waist...I mean, theres no way to do a low rise gig on a one piece aspen suit! and it's got leopard skin fur trim around the attached hood! I got some sweet oakley blades in bright orange to match...then after we board...we'll go rock the bar at the ski resort and sip on snugglers...hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps with a whipped cream dollop...and then we can giggle at each others whipped cream mustaches!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
ha of course, only if i can shave my initials into it first and take a pic for my new avatar.

when i was out at bars with my broken arm i thought it was the most fun thing ever to tell everyone who asked a different story. everything from slipping in the tub to the handcuffs being too tight on the bed post to a prison yard brawl all kinds of crap. it was too much fun.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dh girlie said:
I ...and then we can giggle at each others whipped cream mustaches!

is that whipped cream or did you get your old job back........................ :evil: :p