I've got a piece of paper in front of me on which I have just written*:rick, I usually agree with a lot of what you post but I gotta call on this. If Iran stopped a nuclear weapons program, they not only had a program but still have it. I stopped watching VHS porno programs years ago but they're in my garage. Just because they stopped the program, you just don't throw the program out. Plus, Britain and others are questioing the validity of some of the NIE statements.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating attacking Iran or any other country, but I'm not ready for this country to look to Iran and go "Oh, our bad, never mind, keep enriching uranium." They are a country that has threatened to wipe another country off the face of the Earth. not cool.
1. Produce/obtain fissile material
2. Weaponise fissile material
3. Deliver completed weapon (probably not in time for xmas)
Does this mean I've got an program? I've not added anything to it for the last 5 minutes and, to be honest, I've got far too much decorating/studying/reading/riding/shagging to be getting on with to really see myself progressing it any time soon.
Should I be worried though?
*With acknowledgement to MikeD for assistance with my program. He is now my official Dr Strangelove.