
Absolutely 100% newbie videographer looking for a little help….


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Not all that long ago I got into photography, which turned out to be as addictive a hobby as a person can find. I immersed myself with reading about the subject until I was somewhat pleased with my results (I don’t think that you are ever really pleased…)

Now I’d like to try making videos/movies.

I know nothing about making videos. Nothing. Nada. Even less than that. Absolutely nothing. I have never edited a video.

I have a basic Sony “Handycam” camcorder that records to a DVD but I want to try to start editing and playing around with things. I have no idea how to do this.

One of the monkeys gave me a couple forums to check out, but these guys might as well be speaking in Chinese. I need to learn the basics.

There is a book called “Understanding Exposure” for people who are getting going in photography and it is amazing. Is there a similar book for wannabe videographers? Perhaps a website or two for beginners? Google provides a ton of results, but a lot of irrelevant stuff too…

Any help is appreciated!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Most of the principles carry over. Exposure, depth of field, white balance, different filters etc. With video a lot more of the effects are more noticeable (such as telephoto compressing the scene etc). You'll need to learn about formats and framerates and audio now.

You'll want to look into editing and learning a software package more than "the basics" as you know most of them already.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Makes sense.

Can you recommend a software package that won't kill the bank?
For PC I would look for a copy of Premiere & for Mac look for FinalCut Pro. Then search google for tutorials or get a good book.