
Aconcagua 6962 m, DH on the bike.


Feb 2, 2012

This is trip contest in Poland http://www.alpinus-miejodwage.pl/508 , expedition which gets most votes, pass to the next stage and it has a chance to be realized. Below is trnaslated description of my trip from the link above, so if you think that my idea of climb and downhill Aconcagua 6962m with bike is cool and you like it, please vote, for You is just 1 minute for me it's dream. Thanks

On the website linked above at the left side you can vote, just enter your email and click "Zaglosuj" green button after that confirm the vote when you get the message. Thanks!

”Hi, my name is Adam, and this is my bike. We have known each other for a very long time. My bike is always sad when I go to the high mountains without him because however he doesn't speak it loud he like mountains - just like me. So we have an idea to go to South America together and climb the Aconcagua 6962 m and then go downhill. We know it's high, far and people will say that is impossible and it is nonsense. However we believe that it is possible and we can do it. Normal Route to the summit is ideally suited for this purpose, it is not full crevasses glacier and there is no technically climbing sections. In the absence of heavy snow fall is theoretically rideable. Theoretically, because no one has ever tried it, that would be the first downhill run from Aconcagua and also the highest altitude at which anyone was moving using bicycle. Co what is needed to make that trip successful? Alpine experience - check!, an excellent technique for cycling also in deep snow and ice - check!, good form- check, ambition - check!, courage - check!, but I'm afraid already. Time to try completely new routes."



Jul 16, 2007
I had a friend at work who climbed Aconcagua. From his story I can't fathom dragging a DH bike along as well.


Feb 2, 2012
Of course is not easy trip, it's on the edge of the things that can be done on the bike, maybe I fail but I still want to try. I'm prepared quite well. In Polish Enduro Racing series I was 4 in general clasification last year, I won series of orienteering bike races. I hava alpine experience as well.
Thanks again for your votes.


Jul 16, 2007
Of course is not easy trip, it's on the edge of the things that can be done on the bike, maybe I fail but I still want to try. I'm prepared quite well. In Polish Enduro Racing series I was 4 in general clasification last year, I won series of orienteering bike races. I hava alpine experience as well.
Thanks again for your votes.
Have you been up over 20,000 vertical feet (6,000 meters) before? My friend who did Aconcagua did Kilimanjaro, 19,340 feet (5,895 m) and said he was out right shocked how hard it got over 20,000. We also live in Colorado and he's a regular 14,000 foot (4,200 meter) climber here, so he's definitely used to high altitude.

I don't mean to discourage you in anyway, I think this is something amazing to undertake. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into.


Feb 2, 2012
I was only climbing in Alps in Europe, and I was at the highest summit there which is Mont Blanc 4811 m. I never had problems over 4000 m, and i made routes that are more dificult that just walking. I know that at close to 7000m it will be a lot less air to breath, but it's solution for that - good acclimatization. Normally when people climb Aconcagua spend there about 14 days to be well acclimated and climb the summit. I have plan to spend there maxium time given by permit (20days). I think this extra time will get me prepared to carry more load, and climb the summit first without a bike.
If people with average form can climb the Aconcagua, I think that well prepared person after training before the trip and with longer acclimatization can do it with bike.