
Actual chance of electoral reform?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
The interwebs are all up in arms over Gallup's new 7-day tracking poll, the one that has Romney up by a full 6 points. Here's the thing, though, when you drill down into the numbers you find:

East: Obama +4
Midwest: Obama +4
South: Romney +22
West: Obama +6

So Romney might end up running up the numbers in the swath between North Carolina and Texas and end up with a higher popular vote, but aside from FL is that really any big loss? Even if you give Virginia and Florida to Romney, and WI/OH/PA to Obama, you're still ending up somewhere around 275 electoral votes for Obama and 263 for Romney, even if Romney wins the popular vote by ~2-4%. THat'd be 2 elections in 12 years where the winner of the popular vote WASN'T elected president, and once for each party. Think that there'd be any chance of electoral reform, or would it just be (sh!tty) business as usual?


Nam I am
Long Answer : NO

I have talked with a couple of History/Poly Sci Scoalars , and discussed this with them. they told me there is a Big convention every 2 years and this is always brought up. and while they all dislike the Electoral system, No one has come up with a Better system. they all also agree that going with the straight out popular vote is not the way to go.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I think it is more important to get a constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United. I find it annoying that very few sheeple are talking about this during an election year. Issues need to be raised by the populace not by the bought and paid for politicians.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
I think it is more important to get a constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United. I find it annoying that very few sheeple are talking about this during an election year. Issues need to be raised by the populace not by the bought and paid for politicians.
Here here!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i meant to ask the guy i ran into on a hike yesterday his thoughts on the electoral college after he started talking about fake weather, h.a.a.r.p, and stock piling organic seeds.

kind of creepy.

not sure who he would vote for.