
Ads for next Superbowl


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Roflmao - I just saw a program about all the ads that have been withdrawn or banned from being shown at the next Superbowl in reaction to the janet thing. The TV people have promised 'That absolutley no one will be offended in any way' - Talk about setting yourself up for a fall. I'd personally be offended at the banality of what dos get past.
There was a Ford ad that has both a child and a priest in it, and was withdrawn because of pressure from people who thought it might be percieved to have sexual overtones. There was sooo nothing sexual about it in any way. The other ads were withdrawn for equally hypersensitive over-reactions.

Sorry Guys, looks like you get to be bored out of your minds in the Superbowl breaks next year...I hope the game itself makes up for it. Maybe you can take the opportunity to get extra drunk or something.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Has anybody else noted the irony that whilst the US makes much of the Islamic world's intolerance of images of women that they perceive to be 'sexy', there was such a huge uproar about Janet's right breast?

Uptight States of America?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Interesting, my wife and I had a short discussion about this and she pointed out that this is similar to how the Taliban started. Hmmm,.... I wonder what we have to look forward to in the future.

Per that Ford ad, I did hear that there was something about the word LUST being thrown around on the screen with the Priest and the little boy and that it was a group of people who had been abused by catholic priests who forced it from the airways. I would have liked to see it, but then again, I didn't mind seeing Janet's boob, granted I could have done without that 'sun piercing' or whatever it was.

Maybe there could be a cable version of the superbowl and a regular TV version?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
valve bouncer said:
Can't have anything tawdry or in bad taste ruining the pure sporting spectacle that is the Superbowl.
Nope, that's why secretary-swooner Paul McCartney gets to lead the big show. Everyone tap your tasseled loafers to the "beat".