1. We brought lots of food that required preparation, like pasta and sauce, etc. I think in retrospect, stuff like ramen bowls, applesauce snak paks, etc are a better idea. Just boil water, add, stir. When you get done with a lap, the first thing you wanna do is eat, and the last thing you wanna do is deal with complicated cooking. Even if someone is doing cooking for your team, they won't wanna cook a meal every time a rider comes in. That would be crazy.
2. Go as fast as you can on day laps. Night laps are slower automatically so there's really no reason to "save yourself" for them. If you eat and rest well between your laps you should be able to push pretty hard every lap.
3. Make sure you know for sure when your last rider went out. Don't guess, and don't try to figure it out in your head while you're sitting in the campsite a half hour later. Make it a team rule that the riders remind each other in the transition area to check the time. Because in the middle of the night you won't remember jack diddley and your brain won't be working well enough to figure it out. And most likely you won't be camping very close to the transition area, so it's not convenient to go back and check.
4. If you have a group of people supporting you, have them sleep in shifts too. It's not cool to expect them to stay awake for 24 hours straight.
5. When you come in from your lap, wake up the next rider who will be taking the baton so they can start getting ready. For instance:
Rider #1 finishes lap
Rider #2 starts lap
Rider #1 wakes up Rider #3
Rider #2 finishes lap
Rider #3 starts lap
Rider #2 wakes up Rider #4
Rider #3 finishes lap
Rider #4 starts lap
Rider #3 wakes up Rider #1
Rider #4 finishes lap
Rider #1 starts lap
Rider #4 wakes up Rider #2
Hope you will all have fun doing the 24 hour race. I have done quite a few. A couple of suggestions I have are, (1) unless you are set on being competative make sure to have fun, don't sweat the little things. (2) try to make a comfortable place to sleep. I always have a queen size air mattress. (3) all of the food suggestions I have seen are good ones. (4) don't put new parts on your bike the day before the race, make sure to do all maintenance at least a week before (new chain, cassette, brake pads, cables, der. pulleys, etc. and make sure they all function correctly ON THE TRAIL not just on the stand)(5) if there is any way you can afford them get the H.I.D. lights, you can run a bar light only and have plenty of light, they will run twice as long, they charge quickly. I still recomend niterider for several reasons, they work, they are tough and dependable, they are most likely to have support at the race, if you need to borrow/buy parts from someone you will be able to find someone with them. Anyway have fun!! I'm 45 and still do about 4 24's a year.
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