maybe you're not saying it, but it appears this leaves open for consideration that AA can be stop-gap while we get the "real" solution in place, much like how fossil fuels are ok for the next 20 or so yrs until we work out the kinks in wind/solar/nuke. but hasn't this gone on for generations, and with no end in sight (much like racism itself), and in fact solving this problem is a threat for those whose stock-in-trade is "awareness"? this is the bee in my bonnet.Don't equate my position with support of affirmative action. I think that AA is really just a bandaid solution (a bad one at that) and should not be the first line of defense. Primary education and community building are so much more valuable.
i wasn't aware that chemistry was as flexible to interpretation & presentation as the other "sciences", or that it should cow [read: be bullied] just b/c its facts as presented are inconvenient or deemed "insensitive". perhaps you're suggesting they could be more delicately couched, like ringing the doorbell & leaving a tract on your doorstep? but what would this effective pussification accomplish? i believe it would stall future efforts & advances of the sciences, ironically those which exist precisely b/c of the irrefutable understanding of chemistryMy argument is that there is a place for racial sensitivity in science, and even the pursuit of pure science can have adverse effects when hard science types forget they don't work in a vacuum and psychology/sociology/neurology are just as real as chemistry.
and to further postulate: i imagine whatever rashly spewed findings charles murray - excuse me - larry summers put forth, if they were false or found to be baseless, we would have heard about it by now, especially given his position in the obama adminAnd I believe that this science is worth pursuing, exposing, and discussing. But it is not worth postulating upon, publicly, prior to results. It's also a very different result to find both ability and opportunity are equal but preferences are not, than to find that ability is unequal. I'm not sure how I would treat such a finding, since exposing it would only exacerbate the problem...
that's one troll that can't be ignored