so what if there are actually genetic differences/advantages?
does that mean, as a society, we should let them rule the world and deepen structural differences instead of aspiring to a more equal/fair society?
if you are born of an "inferior" genetic stock, or dumb or blind or whatever.. then fuck you, i already got mine?
Good at test-taking =/= sm0rt. It means you're good at test taking.
Demographics of NYC Specialized High School Applicants
Native American
Missing Data
Distribution of Testers by Ethnicity
Total Distribution of SHSAT Offers by Ethnicity
(*Data from NYC Department of Education)
According to the data:
31% of students who took the SHSAT identified as Asian, with 52.5% of these students receiving offers;
1.8% were multi-racial, with 3.9% of these students receiving offers;
0.9% were Native American, with 0.6% of these students receiving offers;
17.1% were white, with 27.8% of these students receiving offers.
**I haven't read this whole thread, nor will I, but the stereotypical comments you're making about black / poor families are misguided and pretty fucking upsetting. Mostly I am on this site to post the equivalent of armpit-fart sounds and not jerk myself off in front of a crowd, but I've spent 20 years volunteering with one the biggest after school youth programs for inner city kids in the US. Guess what these kids want and are willing to work for? A fucking chance. To learn how operate in the world. You don't get to put this on their parents, or lack of parents. You want to know where most of the parents are? Working shit jobs. That's the truth. These are kids living in generational poverty. Their parents standing over them making sure they study real good ain't gonna change that. Opportunity is.
And I'm 100% in favor of universal preschool, free school meals for all, and socioeconomic status considered in acceptance decisions at the various levels of things.
But what I'm not in favor is race based quotas, legacy admissions, sports based admissions, or the NYC current kick to abolish selective schools because they don't like the outcomes when testing's the bar for entry. That's bullshit.
yeah I mean if you have a desired effect, why look at actual effects of existing programs
I personally think every legacy admission, current and past should just be taken out back and shot. Agreed there
But you're still missing an important component of race based admissions when it comes to african americans.
Other than actual immigration over the last 100 years, the only reason that population exists on this continent is for one reason, and one reason only. Even with the west coast chinese slave labor in consideration, no other demographic has that as their starting point, and all the associated downstream effects. None. And no your damn berkeley bred parents don't count.
The only other population that is in the same boat is native americans who were just straight fucking slaughtered as a policy. Sorry doc. You're doing just fine. This is about everyone else.
Another example of the uphill battle the local asians face.
Poor bastard couldn't even afford a car with a roof.
He turned into my neighbord and of course blew past the turn and had to do a 180 in the middle of the highway to get back to the turn off. Probably malnutrition.
He turned into my neighbord and of course blew past the turn and had to do a 180 in the middle of the highway to get back to the turn off. Probably malnutrition.
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